END of America!

... G'day Citizens,

... Anybody see the New York rally, the one celebratin'
Labour Day - with the Hamas patriots - marching in
the streets to bring the End to the Jews and of course
the End to America.

There they were - no doubt cheered on by AOC and Omar
and the other Democrat "Squad Members"...

So much for Hamas releasing the hostages. ... They KILLED them.
One o' those hostages was American... And there in the
NY streets of America was a Hamas Celebration.

Where's America's "President"?? ... lounging at the beach.
Where's America's VP?? ... On the campaign trail.

... Trump has to be the one to speak out AGAINST Hamas
and what they did. ... As the United States Leaders
are "too busy" to do so.

... As Kamala and Biden surely court the voters who
support Hamas.

... Some o' you Democrat supporters should just kiss
yer-own country good-by now. ... IF Kamala somehow
happens to win the election, Hamas and China must just
OWN yer country.

And bring-about the End of America. ...

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
"Trumped" is in the lyrics

500sl's Avatar
  • 500sl
  • 09-03-2024, 05:01 AM
Nothing more freighting that cackling Kamala and Staff Edit - Biomed1 Tim running this country. Timmy is Staff Edit - Biomed1 on something other than Mountain DEW
Lucas McCain's Avatar
That is the beauty of America. Folks can always leave at any time if they have a problem with this country. And for everyone who hopefully does leave if that's the case, there will be a thousand people who would do anything they could to take your place in this incredible land of opportunity.

Some of you folks really need to chill with all of your doom and gloom bullshit. The country is changing. That's life. Shit is supposed to change. You either adapt or you get left behind bitching and moaning while folks are passing you by and leaving you in their dust... I don't like change much either, but again, that's just life.

Oh, and spare me MAGAs about your actual concern about any war. It is just a reason to whine more about Dems to follow your master's orders.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
That is the beauty of America. Folks can always leave at any time if they have a problem with this country. And for everyone who hopefully does leave if that's the case, there will be a thousand people who would do anything they could to take your place in this incredible land of opportunity.... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
This ^^^
The US is not the world's policeman.
Folks want to demonstrate or protest stuff happening elsewhere in the world?
Fine, just go it it in Gaza City.
ManSlut's Avatar
Funny how the OP of this thread has been screaming at the top of his fingers for the last several months how OrangeTard Hitler Wannabe has been dominating all the Polls and will fly in soon on his Magic Carpet and will ‘clean up the swamp’ again beginning this Nov Election and now the OP is crying about a pissy little Hamas rally, which violated No Free Speech Laws of this country or that jurisdiction, so they are legally allowed to voice their opinions…Those degenerates of their foreign lands should look hard in the mirror of what their true values are that transpire in their homeland, just like MAGAts should look up the definition of what a Cult is and reread the World History books, especially about the rise of of a con-man who created Nazi Germany in the early 1920’s -1945 and get a better understanding of a whole bunch of White People turning little ant-Semitic rallies into a total brainwashing of millions.

Like the Christian Christ stated over 2,000 years ago, “Don’t worry about the splinter in your neighbor’s eye when you have a board in your own!”

The OP should go back to pounding his fingers until they bleed spreading falsities from his MAGA Cultists and quit worrying about the little swamp rats trying to get their day in the sun, because the OrangeTard is gonna make the Country right again just like after 2016!!
Precious_b's Avatar
This ^^^
The US is not the world's policeman.
Folks want to demonstrate or protest stuff happening elsewhere in the world?
Fine, just go it it in Gaza City. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

I have said that we should relinquish our mantra of Super Power (uh oh...the maggies are gonna be yelling libby tard postings on that one) and let someone else assume it.
Let whoever wants to take it see how easy it is.

Guess the OP is asking for a repeat of calling the troops in to jackboot people out of the way except it ain't gonna be for a bible photo op. He knows joey don't do that shit.
... Hee Hee! ... Whew! Reckon I'm glad to hear that the chants of
"Kill the Jews!" somehow don't violate "free speech laws" there
in New York. ... ... OR even at university for the
Jewish college joeys at Columbia. ...

So the "land of oppourtunity" includes Anti-Semitism??
How Nice. ... Reckon the Democrats need those voters.
Just one more thing bringing the End of America. ...

#### Salty
The Salty Carpenters forget that freedom of speech in this country also allows the KKK to march down streets, Neo-Nazis to Heil Hitler and January 6 protesters chant "Hang Mike
Pence". IMO, all above are wrong, perhaps they don't agree, but it has to tolerated under freedom of speech, otherwise who decides what's "right"....it is not a constitutional privilege of the RIGHT.
The Salty Carpenters forget that freedom of speech in this country also allows the KKK to march down streets, Neo-Nazis to Heil Hitler and January 6 protesters chant "Hang Mike
Pence". IMO, all above are wrong, perhaps they don't agree, but it has to tolerated under freedom of speech, otherwise who decides what's "right"....it is not a constitutional privilege of the RIGHT. Originally Posted by reddog1951
... And the Reddogs must have missed the memo that
walking-about a university campus and yelling
"Kill the Jews" is a Hate Crime - as it's being done
to intimidate some of the students there.

... OR is THAT considoured Constitutional privilege of
the Democrat Supporters??

#### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^^ Wrong as usual...talking stupid shit is not a hate crime. It is their 1st amendment right. Physically following through with that stupid shit they are talking is a hate crime. Understand the difference?

Yeah, I would love to see all of those little pussies and bitches get their asses kicked for that extreme level of hate speech just out of principle. But they have committed no hate crimes so no need to try to make something out of nothing just to blame Dems.
... And the Reddogs must have missed the memo that
walking-about a university campus and yelling
"Kill the Jews" is a Hate Crime - as it's being done
to intimidate some of the students there.

... OR is THAT considoured Constitutional privilege of
the Democrat Supporters??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
More falsehoods. Same reason the torch carriers at Charlottesville during the Trump presidency were able to march claiming Jews will not replace White folks, among other racist chants. Hell the president at the time even stated some were good people. I’d disagree but the have the right to say what they want in the USA. Our soldiers fought to protect the right no matter how much it’s abused.

Stop lying Salty. Or at least educate yourself.
Unfortunately, some agree with Ex-President Trump that the soldiers who sacrificed their time, bodies, and lives are losers and saps. His remarks made about John McCain and his brethren are very telling....especially coming from one with highly questionable draft def

Pro Tip....in a debate, one must be careful in bringing up vulnerable topics in rebuttal.
... WHY are you lads hijacking me thread??

No whataboutism needed - this is on Hamas protests on
unversity campus - tryin' to scare the Jews.

Hate Crimes like those can lead to the END of America.

... But, I can see that the Democrat supporters in this thread
seem to CHEER-LEAD in the "Kill the Jews" theme that's so popular
with the liberal protests these days. ... Can't win without 'em!

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
Hate crimes are the ruin of any civilized place. Here or abroad. Ignorance of not seeing the issue from both sides however is also a participant. Killing each other in the name of democracy isn't a partisan issue though. It's a control issue.