hookers in dallas go to rehab

Hawkeye9's Avatar
guys the next time you are crusing a crazy J , think of this article.

I love some of the descriptions of the girls and situation


1. a prostitute in a Tweety Bird shirt was apologizing to a judge for falling asleep during her hearing
2. A teenager in a pink jumpsuit and pink rubber clogs sat on the ground, her back against a truck, staring blankly. She turned her head and vomited.
3. Another woman in 4-inch heels and a strapless dress that didn't quite cover her rear tottered through the staging area. Later, she told the judge she was not a prostitute, her cringe-inducing outfit notwithstanding
4. "The truck stop prostitute is at the bottom rung of prostitution.

I have never tried this action, obviously stay away from dallas if you do
johnnybax's Avatar
TheWanderer's Avatar
I read that article today as well. That's definitely the "seedy" side of the business. Those woman are victims but they are pretty much beyond help.
If that's what Dallas PD wants to do about it, I'm glad they are at least offering them a chance.
I sometimes wonder how many women from here eventually end up there.

Especially a few that I have seen that appear to work all the time and get reviewed all the time, but every time I see them, I can tell that they are still flat broke.

That bothers me sometimes.
I saw something about this on the news about a month ago. There was also a piece on the news talking about how alot of the young girls you see on craigslist are the result of human trafficking.
There was also this article a couple of years ago in the Dallas Observer.

TheWanderer's Avatar
Those women had some interesting names.
God, what a world to live in.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
What a sad deal. It just goes to show that behind the big curtain and beyond all of the smoke and mirrors lies a very seedy, and very sad side to this deal. The one's in it by choice is one thing, the others....very sad indeed.
To funny