In regards to my last review/forum

Bonemaker Barbie's Avatar
About 3 months ago, me and this gentleman I had seen once before that was referred to me by a regular of mine by the handle mdklo11962 had agreed to meet at his home two hours prior to his wife coming home. Since I'd seen him once before and he seemed normal, I didn't think anything of it. So I had my ride drop me off and she parked a few houses down on the same street. Got there as he instructed me through text before arrival to just come in and he was waiting upstairs in bed for me. I opened door, it was unlocked, and went upstairs and there he was. So we went at it and I had agreed just that one time bc he stated he only had a certain amount that was lower than what I charged so I told him 30 min would be cool. Two hours later... and I literally lost track of time anyways so I didn't even complain. Finally we finished and then my ride kept texting so I got dressed plus wife was due home soon so I knew I needed to go. He started asking me why I was trying to leave so quick and I told him bc of my ride and deal he just got that I needed to go. He starts acting frantic and like trying to get in front of me blocking front doorway. I asked why I was being kept hostage and told him he was crazy. He kept telling me I didn't need to go anywhere. I threatened at the front window that I would scream if he didn't let me out and he balled his fist up at me and told me he would just act like I broke in and tell the cops and his wife that he walked in and caught me and did what he had to do by punching me. I immediately got freaked out and was so frightened by what he had said that I was nervous to even pull my phone out to call anybody. When I started trying to reach for it he tried taking it from me. I luckily had a good grasp so I circled around his house and he was chasing me and I ended up making it to the door and unlocked it as fast as I could before he got there and he got within arms reach before it fully opened and he shoved me like I was a grown man. I skid my knee on the concrete pretty bad and my ride was already out front and saw it. This guy yelled as I'm crying on his front porch that he was going to go ahead and call the cops and just make his fake ass report so his wife wouldn't know anything about it and I yelled back and I struggled to get up and walk to my ride that he was crazy and his neighbors were even outside and heard it. So whatever stolen property of his that he claimed was taken is a mystery to me? I know I've had a bad review recently but it was a misunderstanding and I'm surprised this guy even posted anything about it due to how long its been. I never posted anything about it bc I'm not the type to post forums on every guy that's robbed me or given me any problems bc it would be a lot. So the guy texts me an hour afterwards and tells me cops are coming for me at my address and I tried calling his bluff and told him I never gave it to him. He claimed cops pulled it up and in order for that to even go through, he'd need my legal first and last name. He didn't have that. He then texts me my address... ??? He followed me home and luckily didn't find out too personal of where I lived but new physical address of apts.

No cops ever showed and never heard from him again. So I assure you, his review/forum on me was completely false and why he would even get a kick out of posting it this much later anyway is beyond me. Craziest hobbyist I've ever seen and do not recommend to any lady whatsoever.
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
given me any problems bc it would be a lot. Originally Posted by Bonemaker Barbie
I can see that from all that negative things said about you by more than one John,,,This whore has more drama in her than all the fucktards and hooktards put together in the Houston eccie forums.

When are you going to make a trip to Dallas?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Well, there you have it then..........
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-04-2016, 06:20 AM
Interesting story.
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 05-04-2016, 06:23 AM
"Awwwwwww shit" *in canihitit's voice*

Bmwjohn09's Avatar
Sounds like bullshit.. Not sure how 30mins turns into 2 hours without you realizing it smh.
  • cr76
  • 05-04-2016, 06:56 AM
Did you ever make it right with the other guy?
canihitit's Avatar
"Awwwwwww shit" *in canihitit's voice*

Originally Posted by Natalia Mori

maineblame's Avatar
If this really happened to u Barbie I'm sorry and that guy is a Pos

If this is fabricated u are wasting a true talent of Writing Fictional adventures because I was pretty engrossed in the story. You should rent a cabin and write.

Again if it's true I'm sorry
  • Jkynx
  • 05-04-2016, 09:11 AM
You have too many bad/nightmare reviews to give you the benefit of the doubt. I'm gonna call bs on your story.
From one hooker to another Doll, actions on this board speak louder than words ever could.
To gain "respect" in this place you must provide a good service, without drama. They will tear you apart and eat you for breakfast lunch and dinner.
Right your wrongs, apologize if you should,block who you need to,and move on. Rebuilding a tarnished reputation I hard ,but worth it. Good luck to you,and I'm truly sorry for all the issues you've ha recently.

Yep hell with paragraphs
USAsoldier's Avatar
30 minutes turned into 2 hours of lost tracked time!?? Umm... oh-kay ..
ToeDaddy's Avatar
Your best option is to listen to nikkivikkisix, over time this whole thing will be forgotten so start making a good name for yourself.