sportswriter's dilemma

pmdelites's Avatar
while i've been recuperating from a sinus/allergy attack, i've been browsing websites i've visited before to see if i still want to keep my link.

this site is pretty sharp - history of comics and commentary on current comics. just at the end of the first commentary in this issue was this joke (no references as to where it came from) ...

"A sportswriter found himself engaged to marry his publisher's daughter. One day, his fiancé's younger sister phoned and asked him to come over to the house to proofread the wedding invitations, whose printer was on a tight deadline.

The prospective groom went, but on arriving found no invitations, only the beautiful little sister. She said, "Since the night you came to pick up Sis on your first date, I have wanted you, and now before you marry her is our only chance at one mad romantic fling! I'll be waiting for you in my bedroom."

While the sister slunk upstairs, the sportswriter ran to the front door, threw it open and dashed down the front walk to his car - where, to his surprise, he found his prospective father-in-law, the publisher.

"My son!" choked the publisher, tears in his eyes, embracing the young sportswriter. "I'm so delighted that you passed our little test, and for that I want you to know that I will give you and my daughter $1 million as a wedding present!"

Moral of the story?
Always keep your condoms in the car.
ben dover's Avatar
Oldie but a goodie!