Would you see a hooker with a Significant Other?

LuckOfTheOrient's Avatar
Considering a certain somoeones public anniversary, the ones who have no problem admitting to it, and the few that try to remain in denial in spite of the obvious.
Does it effect your decision making, whether open admission or otherwise public knowledge?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Who cares, most have SOs.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I think that actual knowledge of an SO affects the fantasy for some fellows, especially those gents who embrace the illusion that a "relationship" with the escort of their desires is attainable, even if only for an hour at a time. Best for providers to keep partners private and not burst any bubbles.

But some lusty ladies choose to acknowledge their SOs publicly, sometimes even involve them in P4P or swinging. Whatever works! Each to his/her own lifestyle.
wildething's Avatar
As long as they're virgins when I see them, why would I care if they have significant others?

I think that actual knowledge of a SO affects the fantasy for some fellows, especially those gents who embrace the illusion that a "relationship" with the escort of their desires is attainable, even if only for an hour at a time. Best for providers to keep partners private and not burst any bubbles.

But some lusty ladies choose to acknowledge their SOs publicly, sometimes even involve them in P4P or swinging. Whatever works! Each to his/her own lifestyle.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Aw Fancy, I missed your comment before I posted mine. Mine was smart-assed and tongue-in-cheeck while, as usual, yours was classy, diplomatic and insightful. To each their own, but everybody has a right to be happy without having to compromise their right to make a living.
Guest100116's Avatar
I know of three in San Antonio and one here that were married that I have seen. Doesn't bother me.
They all have SO's....just like 99% of the guys who are out there cheating on their wives/SO's...what difference does it make???
LuckOfTheOrient's Avatar
So you all also support weak ass, live in their moms extra room, no job having, my ho buys me everything, wanna be, pimps?
Good to know.
Guest100116's Avatar
I support good pussy.
Freaks me out when they are involved with their business. I used to go to a couple of agencies where the husbands were the screener/manager/pimp take your pick and it was a bit uncomfortable, especially when they wanted me to critique the session.
wildething's Avatar
So you all also support weak ass, live in their moms extra room, no job having, my ho buys me everything, wanna be, pimps?
Good to know. Originally Posted by LuckOfTheOrient
We clearly don't screen as meticulously as you. Why is it good to know who we support - what do you care? Live and let live.
Goodbuddha's Avatar
So you all also support weak ass, live in their moms extra room, no job having, my ho buys me everything, wanna be, pimps?
Good to know. Originally Posted by LuckOfTheOrient
Sad, sad, man
LuckOfTheOrient's Avatar
Sad, sad, man Originally Posted by Goodbuddha
Whatever Dorian or Wakeup or Caroline, etc.
Take your choice.
maineblame's Avatar
So you all also support weak ass, live in their moms extra room, no job having, my ho buys me everything, wanna be, pimps?
Good to know. Originally Posted by LuckOfTheOrient
How do u know theyre pimp is living off of them? If theyre in a relationship he may work and protect his woman on the side.Labels are a MFER so when u have Denis Hof(pimp) u have to factor in that not all pimpin is treacherous and abusive. Some have a business relationship most have an abusive controling one.

it seems like u feel in love with a Stripper and may be mad she has a SO.....Tpainitis
Who cares, most have SOs ***or somebody they're barbackin'***. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
added some clarity for the OP
Wakeup's Avatar

This is epic...

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