A Question of Twitter; For the Ladies & Gents Both

Hi Everyone,

So, I've never bothered to use any social media outlets as a provider.

But I have seen that quite a few ladies have Twitter accounts.

So my questions about this:

For the ladies: Those of you who use one, do you feel it helps or otherwise benefits your business?

For the gents: Do you follow ladies who are on Twitter? If you were thinking about seeing a particular lady, would the fact she has a Twitter turn you on or off about her?

Any other insights also appreciated.

Hope everyone is enjoying this lovely Saturday we are having.

Yea.... We all love social media and hookers.

Opps I forgot you are special, you are above reproach.
I don't understand what you are trying to say. Is that an insult? Lols.

Anyone else with actual valid, input/opinions about this?
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
Twitter is for megalomaniacs and narcissists,,,I don't care if a whore has a twitter account or not,,,Real Johns could care less about twitter when there are review sites that offer more,,,Whores should answer their PMs, emails, text messages, and phone calls.
Real Johns could care less about twitter when there are review sites that offer more... Originally Posted by TheCat'sMeow
That's what I've felt as well, not to mention the whole being too public thing. That's why I thought it was a bit odd I've started seeing ladies who have Twitters and advertise such.
Twitter works very well for me. It's a plus+

It's a great benefit IMO, idk
how it works for other ladies.
Thanks for the reply hun! In what way(s) do you feel it's benefited?
Slitlikr's Avatar
Just another avenue (like all social media), that opens up opportunities and all related potential abuse of rl info.
LuckOfTheOrient's Avatar
Only a masochist would want to follow you on twitter,
Or some retarded college nerd who can't speak to women.
Whistling yet?
Twitter is great for my escort business. It gives me an outlet to communicate/reach out to those I might not otherwise find.
For my regulars, I can post updated pics, pics of their gifts, and post scams and alerts for other escorts. I love Twitter! The fact that I can post filthy pics is great, too.
^Whats your Twitter name? I'm @PSeeking
Thanks for the input! And I second what Seeking said; would love to follow you. I am @VicofHouston.