Question for all

BIGSEXY7852's Avatar
Just curious if any providers or hobbyist would ever want to know each other outside the hobby? I would imagine that common interests exist outside of this. Many may think that this is just a Fuctard question. It may well be, but curious about your thoughts.
  • cr76
  • 04-06-2016, 05:52 PM
That's not unreasonable

Internet brings people together.
BIGSEXY7852's Avatar
Haven't been on here long enough to see much of this. I can think of two off the top of my head. There is one provider that loves fishing. Anyone that loves to fish would be great to know. Her post on here get rather vile, but............ The other is a tall Irish redhead that has excellent writing skills and such pleasure to talk to. I have had the pleasure of meeting her.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Don't get creepy.
BIGSEXY7852's Avatar
I was wondering how long it would take. So it begins.
willyjack's Avatar
lol your fishing buddy is gone.
There is one provider that loves fishing.
..... Originally Posted by BIGSEXY7852
DPWD revoked her trolling license.

She's stuck in federal waters now.

There is one provider that loves fishing.

The other is a tall Irish redhead..... Originally Posted by BIGSEXY7852
Damn....where you live?.....Banville?

Please don't tell us you logged in on the redhead's computer.
BIGSEXY7852's Avatar
Wow, a lot of miserable tards on here. More to life than f**k**g whores and putting notches on your belts. Or maybe many on here didn't realize that. And no, the 'redhead' is an interesting and likeable PERSON.
BIGSEXY7852's Avatar
Not a fishing 'BUD' just apparently someone that enjoys the sport. Don't give a shit about her status on this site.
Just curious if any providers or hobbyist would ever want to know each other outside the hobby? Originally Posted by BIGSEXY7852
Nope! I dont go to my job to just hang out with others just because
BIGSEXY7852's Avatar
Not talking about on the job. There is more to life than the 'job'. I meet people at work that I hate, but put up with because I have to. I also meet people at work with similar interests and I get to know and enjoy their company off the job. Many are clients that I work with and charge for my professional services.
I meet people at work that I hate, but put up with because I have to. Originally Posted by BIGSEXY7852
Same here!!!!
BIGSEXY7852's Avatar
I understand this thread should never have posted. I apologize to anyone offended or misrepresented. Out of here.