silverstate53's Avatar
WTF is this world coming to : the french of all people
LexusLover's Avatar
One has to pay for sex in France?
ktrouble22's Avatar
Interesting. I think the sex trafficking problem is worse in Europe than it is here, so there's probably a lot more horror stories.

Meanwhile, opportunity knocks: More business for Eccie - I don't see a French page on this site. Voulez-vous couchez avec moi, ce soir? I loved that song. Wonder if French escorts shave taints? And legs?
silverstate53's Avatar
Hairy ones i'm sure
Fishpie's Avatar
I guess all that cultural enrichment is setting in. If the Muzzies can't afford it why charge for it?
A joke from the French:

What's the difference between a French hooker and an American hooker? The French hooker tastes like pussy, the American tastes like soap.
Interesting. I think the sex trafficking problem is worse in Europe than it is here, so there's probably a lot more horror stories.

Wonder if French escorts shave taints? And legs? Originally Posted by ktrouble22
This is likely part of the reason. Having lived and worked in the UK for 3.5 years, I can tell you that there is a lot of trafficking of the Eastern Euro girls. They get told they are going into the west (Western Europe) for a better life and end up playing hoe to some fucked up pimp lord instead.

Anyways, this is still troubling....if France has done it, how much longer 'til the rest of the EU follows? Please gods, don't let it happen!

And as far as shaving, very likely not. I can't tell you how many hairy bushes I saw at my yoga studios in the UK. God save us.....
Fuck France.....what the fuck do they know...just look at them - they are so fucked up on so many levels I don't even know where to start...

Question? How many Frenchmen does it take to defend France??

Answer: We don't know because they have never defended themselves....
silverstate53's Avatar
LOL Go ahead SNL Vent - away
The French have always been pussies. Nothing new there
LOL Go ahead SNL Vent - away Originally Posted by silverstate53
ha!..yeah dude guess I'm feeling extra ornery today....
guess I'm feeling extra ornery today.... Originally Posted by SNL9933
Horny or ornery?
Horny or ornery? Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston

Sounds like a recipe for fun.
WTF is this world coming to : the french of all people Originally Posted by silverstate53
I know, it is hard to believe the French would do crazy shit like that.