Biden is the wrong leader for America

  • oeb11
  • 10-05-2021, 10:03 AM

Across the political and demographic spectrum, Americans wonder not if the "American Moment" has passed but whether the United States will survive President Joe Biden’s dismantling of the country.
© Provided by Washington Examiner The divisions in the country are said to be too deep and too profound to put the nation together again. And there seems to be merit in those concerns. Every election cycle brings out politicians and pundits who proclaim that this election is the most important in our lifetimes. They were right in 2020.

We are at an existential crossroads as a nation and a people. We have faced excruciating national pain before: two world wars, persistent nuclear threat, a Great Depression, a terrorist attack on the homeland that killed thousands of our countrymen, a Civil War, and an internal war for civil rights.
We have survived every calamity and not merely endured but have come out on the other end even stronger, with an optimistic vision. In each of the previous episodes of national crisis, we had two critical things that propelled our recovery and regeneration: a great leader and a shared appreciation of our heritage. Not this time.
Biden demonstrates an attitude toward our nation that is, at best, ambivalence, and, at worst, a dangerous disaffection that seems at times like hatred. We have seen our understanding of who we are in the world riven under the disapprobation of a hard-left political vision that seeks to eliminate any vestige of U.S. history.
The current attack on American values and history began decades ago, but the existential emasculation that has produced extreme chasms between Americans has only recently been revealed.
It came to the forefront during the first presidential campaign of former President Barack Obama and persisted throughout his eight years in the Oval Office. His vision of “hope and change” was a hope that American individualism would be replaced with European-style collectivism and a change to a globalist system that featured Marxist economics.
The Obama administration did not like America. It didn’t appreciate our history or the remarkable way a nation grew out of the milieu of monarchy and dictatorship to the most free and sought-after country on earth. The seeds of division sown by the “I’ve never been proud of my country before” Obamas were fully flowering by the end of his reign.
The division in America wasn’t simply between political ideologies; it was the political elite versus the rest of America. When Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016, the Left exploited those divisions to thwart him at every turn. Yet, somehow, his great economy, great energy policies, and projection of strength internationally produced a new optimism for Americans.
Unfortunately, Trump’s success spawned a more virulent hatred of him and a new, more catalyzed commitment to destroy Trump’s restoration of the “America First” movement.
While we are trying to emerge from the COVID-19 interruption of the Trump success, we have a cognitively deteriorating, corrupt, anti-freedom, and hectoring Biden ostensibly leading the country. His vow of unity has been ripped into confetti and blown away on the hurricane of his divisive policies and unconstitutional mandates.
He has successfully pitted soldiers against military brass with an unjustified vaccine mandate. With the same streusel-headed policy, he is turning employee against employer. His disastrous foreign policies have killed Americans, emboldened our enemies, and embarrassed our former friends.
His blind allegiance to the logically flawed Modern Monetary Theory of economics has produced steadily rising inflation, has killed jobs, and promises to further damage our economy.
His attempt to cover up the recent explosion of mass migration in Del Rio, Texas, heightens the disaster at the southern border that his policies have produced while showcasing the continued obfuscation by the press shop of the Biden regime.
Those are just a few of the lowlights resulting from the wrong leader at the wrong time. Biden will not produce unity, but he will produce discontent, hardship, and rancor as we wonder whether the center will hold.
In previous existential moments, we have had leaders who could pull the entire nation along to temporal salvation. This president is incapable of pulling us up because he is only adept at pulling us down. He is unfit to lead. He ought to resign. He should be removed.
Andy Biggs represents Arizona's 5th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Comment - Rep biggs is correct. Fiden hates representative democracy and is owned by china and its pet marxist radicals led by teh Squad of idiots.

Consequences - if fiden is removed - we get harris - a cackling incompetent - and a far more idiotology dedicated marxist than fiden.

it is a choice - frying pan or the Fire!

i do not have a good answer to the DPST party which seeks to destroy America - and impose a china subjugated marxist prison on american Peoples!
other than VOTE!

and - when teh marxists take arms to destroy American Peoples - to take up arms in response to protect our Freedoms adn Constitution. !
rexdutchman's Avatar
After the response at games and races around the country I HOPE , Think people are understanding ( Fuck Biden)
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
He's the best leader. The perfect leader for a nation full of cry babies pussy ass bitches.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-06-2021, 10:57 AM
Another Chicken Little...the sky is falling ..... thread
rexdutchman's Avatar
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Zombiden was elected cause folks thought he could handle the ultra progressive socialists in his party.

rexdutchman's Avatar
You know Big T was is shocking vulgar loud rude ,,,,,,BUT RIGHT ,,

Right now people are starting to SEE the light
What else is shocking is knowing that millions of voters knew that even BEFORE the election, and they just didn't care ..... it didn't matter that we all could see biden was unfit to be president, but their only goal was to remove Trump from office ..... so any mumbling, bumbling idiot who shits in his diapers daily would do .....
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
If Trump had simply toned it down a smidge, he'd still have that job.
But...., you're fired.
The PISSANT never was or has been a leader...
If Trump had simply toned it down a smidge, he'd still have that job.
But...., you're fired. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
... Plus the fact they brought in "extra votes"
Days and Days and Days of them!

### Salty
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
One won
rexdutchman's Avatar
Media social media pushed the morons/ sheeples to vote for hims because orange man bad ,,,,,, ( this is like people believing the war of the world broadcast )
Hmm Name one thing pudden s has done to help anythings
adav8s28's Avatar
Biden is better than Trump ("It CoVid will just go away like Magic).