Pegging Suggestion

Guys, for those of you who enjoy pegging but can't find that special someone to fuck you up the ass, I have a suggestion. Find a nice provider you trust and ASK. You may be surprised buy what you find.
I have had some awesome experiences with girls who had never even heard of the practice. In fact all had been a little reluctant at first but every single one of them said they enjoyed it in the end. And for me it's always a real turn on to see them get turned on by the empowerment they feel.
I think the best way to go about it is to talk to someone you have seen a few times who you trust. Say something like, "you know how much you enjoy it when I fuck you up the ass? Well, I enjoy that too". Because it really does feel good when a beautiful woman hits the magic P-spot with a strap-on.
One more suggestion. Have your own equipment. If you are like me and enjoy the feeling of a prostate orgasm, I bet you have a few toys that can be used. Buy yourself a nice strap-on harness to complete the setup. Don't get one of the cheap ones that will cut into the skin of the generous girl who is fulfilling your fantasy. Get one with a nice padded back. You could also get one that holds a vibrating bullet that will stimulate her well.
I've had a couple girls refuse at first but after treating them like a princes a few times they eventually gave in.
Again, they said they loved it once they tried it.
One more thing that is VERY IMPORTANT. Be as squeaky clean as humanly possible. You don't want to show up with a dirty, hairy ass. You will never be asked back and probably be refused access in the future. Think of what you like to see when you perform Greek. A nice, clean, hairless ass.

I'm going to post this in the Dallas area as well as that's where I play.
I hope this sparks a discussion. Pegging is definitely something worth exploring and nothing to be embarrassed about discussing.
You are now the "Official" Spokesperson for this topic!
Guys ... take notes & listen up!
DJ knows how to do this the Right Way!
Kudos Babe!
I firmly believe that men should also experience the pleasures of receiving anal penetration. I absolutely love receiving ass play and I love being on the giving end as well.