Any info on this one

alpha76544's Avatar

Sent some texts back and forth, name is Mia. Said she is in South Albany. Phone number links to other ads on STG that may or may not be her.

Hobby1750's Avatar
Why the hell would you want info on that one? If there's a posted snatch pic, that's always a No-See. No quality provider ever posts a pussy pic. Ass, yes. Tits, maybe. Pussy, never.
alpha76544's Avatar
Her original post had different pics and the 2 fave pics had me intrigued. Thanks for smacking some sense back into me.
I met her once, but only because i had a "date" with her roommate, who is also a provider. I saw her, though, and it's definitely the girl in the pic. The roommate was great, said they work duo;s. I'd say go for it, pussy pics or no. Apartment was nice, south albany near pearl st.
alpha76544's Avatar
Good to know. She did say she was in South Albany. Thanks for the info.
Met up with this one today. Good time, will review soon.