reasons to lie

VitaMan's Avatar
There are many reasons to lie. Some good, some bad.......or is that a matter of opinion ? And if there are good reasons to lie......why does it have such negative connotations ?

Here are a few:

- don't want to reveal surprise birthday party
- can't reveal security measures, plans, the entire gamut of security
- don't want to give opponent an advantage
- poker players trying to gain an advantage
- woke up late, or alarm didn't go off, don't want to feel stupid
- fear of loss if you tell the truth
- negative things happen to you if you tell the truth
- executives fudging company outlooks, or financials to keep their jobs
- not revealing your health issues

The basic idea is.........we can't tell the truth all the time. Would we be better off if we did ? Especially in relationships ?
Caligula1's Avatar
Sir with due respect and not to offend you, in real life the lie is very little if you had been in a relationship and it happened when you want to come home late due to a golf outing or going out with friends to a bar or you want to buy something that was not budgeted but on the board sir I have heard some fascinating and to the point hilarious lies, I mean you need the sixth sense, but we all do I am not sure if you will go that far here...have a good was a brilliant day and tomorrow is going to be better, yea ...enjoy the evening...
TryWeakly's Avatar
Is anyone else's head spinning trying to figure out what ^ this meant?
Caligula1's Avatar
Lol sir....