Ladies - when preparing for a session how much Cosmetic Make-up do you use?

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
50 shades of what?

here's an example of how far some can take it with their 50 shades of coloring. don't over do it ladies. red lipstick and eye liner is all that's needed.

The natural looks is fine by me. Some can take it too far in trying to compete with others. Here's another example.

SpiceItUp's Avatar
Clearly a litter box thread masquerading as a coed topic...
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I'm playing by the rules though. Topic is hobby related. Maybe some may not appreciate the pictorial examples but i was on topic.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I agree. Not a lot is needed. I use eyeliner, fill in my brows and may put a little lipstick on. Since I have my eyelashes done weekly, there really is no need for heavy eye make up.

Since most of my clients are white collar guys, I never want anything to rub off on their clothes when we are hugging while saying our hellos and goodbyes.
SweetDulce's Avatar
I wear alot of makeup, but I always do, everywhere, all the time
TryWeakly's Avatar
oilfieldscum's Avatar
They all wear makeup.

VitaMan's Avatar
Not bad. Starting to resemble Mick Jagger
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Orange has no place in any make-up palette unless the wearer is the Great Pumpkin!

I'm a naturalist as far as "paint and touch-up" go, so keep it minimized: invigorating serum/SPF moisturizing cream, a little tinted gloss, a hint of eye shadow, maybe a wee dab o' translucent dust to tone down the natural redness we ruddy-headed Irish lassies are prone to have with pale features. I have to be careful as I'm allergic to a lot of cosmetics, so only use organic and mineral-based products, which cost a fortune. I could probably stand more embellishment, but heck, at my age wrinkles and spots are medals of planetary survival. If I wanted my skin to remain porcelain perfect, then I should've died young!

I don't wear mascara or eyeliner at all, and rarely lipstick, concealer, foundation, or finishing powder unless I'm going all out "hussied' up to a special event, and even then I use a light touch and wash it all off before any intimate play occurs. I figure I wouldn't want such goo coating MY tongue and lips if I were nuzzling my date's dainty cheek or nibbling my way down to her delectable decolletage. I'm sure it isn't any kind of taste treat.

Seen a few ladies with so many layer of gunk on, their faces were "cracking" like something out of a low-budget horror movie!

I don't use heavy perfume, either, maybe a sparse drop of musk behind each ear and on the wrists. Speaking of such... Fellows, if you're going to slap cologne all over your kisser, neck, and privates, make sure it doesn't haven't the bud-burning flavor of paint thinner or an eye-watering reek so strong it implies you tripped into the entire Dollar Store Father's Day stink display!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Orange has no place in any make-up palette unless the wearer is the Great Pumpkin!
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
you made my day with that one. You are funny.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar

Seen a few ladies with so many layer of gunk on, their faces were "cracking" like something out of a low-budget horror movie!

Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
umm yeah. Now i will admit years ago I dressed up as Elvis Pressely for a Halloween party and make-up was applied to my face. I had to run to the rest room several times to re-apply my powder and lipstick. The first time in my life i felt like a real bitch. ;-)

Que the sig worthiness of that admission.
I don't wear alot,at "work" or home, conceler, a dab of blush, mascara And chapstick normally.if in,feeling fancy ill add some eyeliner
HoustonRiley's Avatar
I don't wear much at all. I do not wear base concealer poweder. None of that.
I fill in my eye browns put some mascara on and call it a day.