Getting what you want is as simple as -1.2.3.
1.-Money , And be willing to spend it . By that i mean travel expense,s misc bull shit [cow excreament] like possibly getting lodging .
2. P-411- By far the absolutely single best get you laid friend you can ever have .
3. -Have the ability to travel with in reason in the mid west like -K.C - MPLS- even CHI, Town anything or anywhere with in 300 miles .
look at it as fact that a meeting that would take place where you reside would cost half as much with out the extra travel cost"s Three Bills turns into 6 or 7 by the time gas and other [ cow ex cre ment , s ] are paid for as in -I.E Bull Shit - Just remember not to point your toes at any hot ones from the X siam region ......