checking outside

Bigdaddy. Checking out for awhile. Time to fight the cancer for awhile ill check in time to time. Thank you eccie for some good memories and fun
Man, good luck to you from all of my heart. 5 years ago while shaving I found a bump on my neck. Same kind that kept popping up with my dad. Went that day and started to process, neck cancer. Chemo, radiation, and a loss of 100 pounds, and it's all gone. The bad news, I have/had cancer. The good news, it was after Black Tuesday, so they released me from probation. They didn't want me to be sick on their dime!!!
The Wildflower Group
Thanks they found it in my left eye when i was getting my eyes checked. Good news is caught it early bad news is I loss vision in left eye. Better my then my life.
DallasRain's Avatar
I wish ya the best babe!!take care!
GingerB83's Avatar
Good luck to you!! They're doing so much these days for cancer patients so I'm sure we'll be seeing ya on here for a loooong time!!
I too was diagnosed with cancer last year and had to have surgery to remove tumor and makes you look at life differently and makes you realize you better have fun why you can .
life is short so live it to the fullest !
Hope all goes well for you bigdaddy.
Good luck Bro!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
All my best to you Big Daddy, Take care of yourself and hope your back soon
Thank you to all. The path is long won't be easy with friend and family the battle is winnable. Here is where my friends are. My two kids are the family. Toghter we will move every mountain. We come across. Thank you to all. Ill be back.