need some legal advice

my bf was recently hit by a car walking to work. we got the police report but all the drivers information isnt valid, phone number, employer, everything. we have been trying to get ahold of thier insurance company they have but we talked to them once, and ever since that peron is never at work. we have no income, he was denied short term disabilty because he wasent back on the job long enough, we are running out of options and i dont know what to do. every one seems to think we have a case, but cant afford to go see a lawyer. any and all help would be appreciated.
Jannisary's Avatar
Was the driver of the car who hit your boyfriend charged with anything?
my bf was recently hit by a car walking to work. we got the police report but all the drivers information isnt valid, phone number, employer, everything. we have been trying to get ahold of thier insurance company they have but we talked to them once, and ever since that peron is never at work. we have no income, he was denied short term disabilty because he wasent back on the job long enough, we are running out of options and i dont know what to do. every one seems to think we have a case, but cant afford to go see a lawyer. any and all help would be appreciated. Originally Posted by TSKrystiKakes
Attorneys routinely take cases like this on contingency, meaning they get paid out of the damage award.

The driver should have been required to show driver's license and proof of insurance at the scene to the police. If one or both of those were invalid, those are criminal violations.

If you have the contact information for the insurance company, a Registered Mail letter, ideally from your attorney, should get their undivided attention very quickly.

If the registered owner of the car was driving it when the accident occurred, the state of Texas can seize it and sell it to help pay the damages. If the registered owner was not driving it, the state can still seize the car, but it will take a court order to make it happen.

Registration of a motor vehicle used to be a matter of public record in Texas. You call the DMV with the license plate number, and they give you everything they know about the registered owner. I have done this several times in the past, but it was a lot of years ago. It *MAY* now take a phone call from an attorney, or a court order.

Getting such an order, if necessary, should be an easy formality in your case, but it will probably take an attorney. Call DMV first and find out what you need. Note: When you call DMV, tell them the truth, that the driver of said vehicle hit your boyfriend, and you need the information to track him down. Give them the chance to help you. They LOVE to apply the full power of the state of Texas to put the shaft to deadbeat scumbag mishap drivers.

Attorneys who handle cases like this ALWAYS offer free initial consultations, to tell you whether you have a viable case or not.

You need to talk to an attorney.
we have appointment with a lawyer tommarrow to see if we actuallly have a case, right now Im mostly worried about laws regarding evictions in Missouri, all we have is pretty much a hand shake month to month lease, Ive been searching the internet but most of the information thats discussed they mention an actual lease, anyone with info about that? It is just one more day, but any info would be awesome

May help understand eviction law in Missouri. From the landlord's standpoint, he would probably rather have you pay late, but keep in contact with the landlord. Evictions are typically a pain in the rear for all parties, and avoiding the eviction is in the landlord's best interest.
thank you, reading it now
Kakes...If you are on a month-to-month and not locked in a LEASE, you have NO RIGHTS.
Renting an apartment is like renting a hotel room.
If your landlord wants you out and you are a "late pay", he/she can serve an eviction for anything they want.
In Texas, the judge usually rules for the landlord.
Boltfan's Avatar
Kakes...If you are on a month-to-month and not locked in a LEASE, you have NO RIGHTS. Originally Posted by *GoddessDallas*
That is an incredibly ignorant statement to make. Are you an attorney. Did you even bother to read the link posted on Missouri law?