The Different Types of Guys on Eccie

The Different Types Of Guys on Eccie or Hobbiest

Like most independent escorts in Houston metropolitan area, I advertise on a couple of, online listing services. The working rate for VIP escorts ranges from $400 to $2,000 per hour be they be women, men or "she-males". A quest through the female listings yields an array of escorts who all claim to be well educated and worldly, and appear exceptionally attractive. I have been in the industry started off as a dancer and opted to be an escort in the end. During the course of the years, I have reckoned that there are six kinds of customers we as girls come across on an everyday basis, weather it may be at the strip club or on eccie especially on eccie, those categories are as follow: the vindictive, the lurker aka creeper, the dreamer, the friendly, the bargain shopper, and the professional.
The Vindictive

Let’s begin by talking about the vindictive customer, he was either fat or extremely nerdy in school people picked on him , and he had little friends. This is the type of customer most girls and I tend to hate with a passion. As an adult he developed into a very successful business man and obtained an equitably amount of wealth behind him. As a result he hobbied or went to strip clubs often cause he had the funds to do it, but he is the type of guy who always posts bad reviews about a girl no matter how hot, or great she is in bed. I came across one like that, and was banned as a result because he was a total jerk. This guy will never be happy cause he will always manifest on the past and remember those days’ people picked on him and he wasn’t able to get an attractive girl like the ones he can get now. He tends to hold alot resentment and grudges. Point blank guys like that need a lot compliments and professional help.
The Lurker
Second we have the lurker this guy is like a badger quite, quick, and devious. He never posts, but logs on everyday several times a day. He keeps up with everyone and everything he probably knows more about you then you know about yourself. He loves to watch he is into voyaging, he also watches lots of porn and loves to mas****te a lot. These guys tend to be creepy yet sort of enticing.
The Dreamer
Next we have the dreamer, this guy loves to IM constantly he will find one girl and obsess about her and think about her constantly then move on to the next. He usually contends on having your number if you don’t list , and constantly text messages , he also prefers to talk on the phone rather than texting. In the midst of all that he tends to never book an actual appointment, because he feels if he does it will destroy his fantasy and dream.
The Friendly
Then we have the friendly guy, just an all-around nice guy. He is the type of guy who will take his shirt of his back to help anyone. He tends to come from a good family with great values. This is the guy who immediately posts something online to warn the girls like when under covers are messing with girls, or anything that may hurt the girls in any type of shape or way. We tend to feel comfortable around this guy, he becomes a friend and we can usually be our selves around this type of individual.
The Bargain Shopper
This is another one of my least favorite types. This guy is what I like to call champagne taste with a beer budget type of guy. He tends to always complain about bait and switch, but hobbies on back page price range he usually targets is usually $150-200. He sends high end escorts messages about once a week asking if she has any specials or offers 15 minute special. These guys usually tend to be blue collared workers or Indians…
The Professional
These are my ATF type of customers. They tend to earn anywhere from $150,000 + they are in the oil and gas business, doctors, lawyers, or engineers. For the most part some of them are good looking, charming, educated, and refined. They never post anything on eccie but they like to read reviews, and they only hobby because they either work a lot, un happily married, or recently divorced… These are the guys that usually become regulars and establish a bond with the girls.
This concludes the various types of customers that we as providers deal with on an everyday business. The key is knowing the psychological motives to these individual coping and learning to deal with awkward situations the best way possible is the solution.
pyramider's Avatar
Where does the "tainted" fit in?
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
So Nice seeing your sexy ass around and posting again..... I'm fat and ugly, but at least I'm a Nice guy, right? Well Damn! Lol
How does one go about converting the dreamers?? I get way too much of that....
How does one go about converting the dreamers?? I get way too much of that.... Originally Posted by Glynette
Hah, I know, right? I don't think they can be converted... This is why I don't give my number out until it's go-time.
Raptorcg's Avatar
Can you be a fat, nerdy, non vindictive, friendly, professional, dreamer, who enjoys a bargain but does not look for them...wait you can be..that is me
It is a difficult thing to describe and maybe some of us have progressed from "dreamer" to "friendly" to "semi-pro"

It's like the transition from waitress to stripper to escort. The difference being we don't do it for the money but rather for the chance to be with a "10" which in the real world is a rarity. (Have you been to Wal-Mart lately?)
boardman's Avatar
You forgot "The Cat"...
jbravo_123's Avatar
klutz's Avatar
  • klutz
  • 05-08-2013, 09:21 AM
OH! OH! OH! Someone please do one about the women on ECCIE!

-PrettycutebutgoingUTRin54321go ne

Categorizing people is fun!
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-08-2013, 03:04 PM
Was thinking the same thing, but it needs to go in coed. I would but I'm to lazy to come up with that many definitions.
tikkler33's Avatar
I wonder how long it took to come up with this many stereotypes?
blowpop's Avatar
I have to laugh at the $400-$2000 hourly rate. So by this definition almost every provider who's on Eccie isn't VIP?

I find that to be more than a little bit offensive. Perhaps this thread belongs in the Diamonds and Tuxedos forum, devoted to those who believe that high rate = high quality.
tikkler33's Avatar
I like the "bargain shopper" who targets the $150-$200 price range. Since when is $200 bargain basement pussy?

How does one go about converting the dreamers?? I get way too much of that.... Originally Posted by Glynette