Houston Hate Crime.. Well, Not Exactly

Chung Tran's Avatar

so Lee Merritt, the well-known Black Attorney who dives into all cases racial, insisted this was a white hate crime the other day. this same Attorney, last year, railed against a Dallas officer who was accused of molesting a black woman he just arrested, in the back of his squad car. the Cop was exonerated in 24 hours.

Merritt admitted he got duped on that one.. let's see if he is conciliatory this time. fucking Race Baiter.
The mother who was also in her car when her daughter was shot, specifically stated she doesn't have tinted windows, so that the car that pulled up beside her could see her child was black.

How could she have been so certain the shooter was white and that it was a hate crime.

Perhaps the public is primed to see white men as behind all the ills of the world?
  • oeb11
  • 01-06-2019, 09:17 AM
Will the MSM apologize to the White males (straight) whom were falsely accused

Accused and demonized by MSM as a group to be marginialized, hated, and destroyed?
Accused as a group of a horrendous murder
Of course NOT!!!
MSM will now lobby for the two perpetrators and make every effort to angelicize them and get them off.

And demonize white males for forcing these two angels to commit their murderous act.

MSM=- it is all straight white males fault.
themystic's Avatar
Nothing to see here. Move along
Nothing to see here. Move along Originally Posted by themystic
Templet...templet can I find a templet...SMFH!!
  • oeb11
  • 01-06-2019, 01:49 PM
The MSM just had one of their favorite propagandas stuffed right back down their lying throats
It was not a white male that killed the 7 year old girl
Instead of responsible journalism-MSM just drops, ignores, and goes for the next propaganda show.

They will truly miss the weeks of indignant outrage against white males now unavailable to them
CNN< MCNBC<Bloomberg can go suck eggs - I refuse to honor those networks with even a brief surveillance.
LexusLover's Avatar
Nothing to see here. Move along Originally Posted by themystic
It's probably a good thing you weren't the "key note" speaker at the memorial rally ..... then.
Chung Tran's Avatar
How could she have been so certain the shooter was white and that it was a hate crime. Originally Posted by friendly fred
I heard an interview with her, she said the attacker's description was provided by one of her daughters that was in the car. which frankly is bullshit in my mind, using a young girl's description of the attacker (allegedly), so you don't incriminate yourself. hmm.. where have I heard that before?

oh yeah, not exactly the same thing, but these Guatemalans and Hondurans using their children (allegedly their own children) to try and get special treatment to violate our borders.

this Lee Merritt was willing to take the description from the young girl, to announce that not only was the attacker white with blue eyes, but his attack was a racially motivated hate crime.
I heard an interview with her, she said the attacker's description was provided by one of her daughters that was in the car. which frankly is bullshit in my mind, using a young girl's description of the attacker (allegedly), so you don't incriminate yourself. hmm.. where have I heard that before?

oh yeah, not exactly the same thing, but these Guatemalans and Hondurans using their children (allegedly their own children) to try and get special treatment to violate our borders.

this Lee Merritt was willing to take the description from the young girl, to announce that not only was the attacker white with blue eyes, but his attack was a racially motivated hate crime. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
It makes me think the family should be investigated, maybe they knew the real shooter?

Trying to throw off the investigation as well as cash in on the tragedy?
themystic's Avatar
It makes me think the family should be investigated, maybe they knew the real shooter?

Trying to throw off the investigation as well as cash in on the tragedy? Originally Posted by friendly fred
I agree Fred. If someone murdered your child you would think the loss of the child would be the only focus. Not what color the killer was. They should at least investigate. Maybe in their grief they were manipulated by others. Either way this story was bullshit