Why is there a surge in GI on backpage? Usually there are two or three girls tops over week and now there are like 9 different girls in the last two days. Is something up or did Lady Y start something?
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Why is there a surge in GI on backpage? Usually there are two or three girls tops over week and now there are like 9 different girls in the last two days. Is something up or did Lady Y start something? Originally Posted by I like rice
Me start something, I would never do that.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I don't no any of them. They all look like trouble to me. Screen good.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I noticed the surge too even since I posted my 1 whole post not long ago lol. Given the huge response (can't say all good but it's been a lot) I've gotten it seems to be pretty under-serviced. Quite a few are excited by the new faces (mine included). I just hope most of them are also legit.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Mocha its good, but there are a lot of people that won't screen, a lot of weeding out,
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Oh I know it. I turn down more than I see because of it (them not wanting to be screened) but lol that's alright with me.
............ it seems to be pretty under-serviced. Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
1) OK........This gets my vote for "ECCIE understatement of the year."

2) The Nebraska state fair is in Grand Island from August 22nd to September 1st. I would expect an increase in both legit and LE activity there over the next several weeks. It'll be like the wild west. If I were a provider, I would screen the nuts off any potential new client.

3) Mocha, you are one of those "mean girls" my buddies talk about. I have been admiring your showcase for a long time. But like Tantalus of old, every time I reach to sample your bountiful fruits, the wind sweeps you away. I suspect you have a link to my appointment calendar. When you see I am travelling......that's when you schedule GI. Cruel woman!
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Oh come on grits this is gonna be like my what 5th or 6th Nebraska visit coming up (first to GI though). Starting to think you don't like me that much if you've managed to miss me this many times lol. If "mean girl" = provider that actually screens vs just saying "come on over anonymous" then guilty lol other than that I'm sweeter than a bag o' sugar pinky swear .
I want to read this review.
I was out of town for 10 days and looked at GI on last Friday and was shocked! I had to look at the heading twice to make sure I wasn't looking at the Omaha bpage listing. Thankfully my whistle has been wet lately so I don't have to screen thru the new material. Several are legit but some may not be. A pre-state fair crack down? Might help free up some hotel rooms
They are back! Two are 18, one 19, and the oldest 20. " Im not trying it! I will let Mikey try it first!!!!!"
Hitting the road this week. Won't be back there till next week sometime. Will have to scout it out then. But that damn Marie has been on her last night for like 16 days.
Ya I was in GI today so looked for some entertainment but a couple must be like cameleons too, their picture changes in every city...decided to pass with no verified gals available.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Hitting the road this week. Won't be back there till next week sometime. Will have to scout it out then. But that damn Marie has been on her last night for like 16 days. Originally Posted by I like rice
Lol sorta reminds me of somewhere else I visited (Hartford CT) there was a girl who was working on her last day for at least a week but then she created a "twin" (her with different hair) who was "new in town". "They" finally disappeared around the same time too.