
How do you guys feel about Bitcoin as a payment method? I have never really used it before.. cash is king lol. What do you think? It can be convenient & untraceable apparently
TryWeakly's Avatar
I think Tia Tate tried this before.... didnt work out so well..
As a hobbiest I always worry about the transaction being traced back to me.

I have a hobby phone and use prepaid cards.

I always use cash, as cash is difficult to track.

I know very little about bitcoin, but my concern would real world information lead back to personal information about me? How would you feel if your real world information was revealed as part of the transaction.

Could the IRS or state taxation board track the transaction?

To me, good old fashioned cash works best.
PaigeSavage's Avatar
As a provider, I've had deposits sent via cryptocurrency (there's more than Bitcoin). However, I also LLCd my business because although I wholeheartedly believe that "cash is king", we also live in the age of convenience. As the demographics of clients shift from younger Boomers and older "Latch-Key Kids" towards the younger "Latch-Key Kids" and older "Millennials" being willing to meet them where they are at is important. I've found offering several methods of payment, including when a deposit is required, has been really helpful. By creating a LLC I now can accept Venmo, CashApp, ApplePay, Square, Zelle, etc and the transaction on a clients account would show up as the business name. I still accept more "anonymous" methods like gift cards or cash in mail.

All this to say that bitcoin can be anonymous but for the most part, it isn't. Thanks to the way the algorithm is structured, everything that happens in the Bitcoin world is trackable. In reality, you have a pseudonym where you receive currency. If every transaction goes to that address, and if that address is every linked to your real world identity, then every transaction under that address will be linked to you.
Thank you Paige. I will stick with cash.
As a hobbiest I always worry about the transaction being traced back to me.

I have a hobby phone and use prepaid cards.

I always use cash, as cash is difficult to track.

I know very little about bitcoin, but my concern would real world information lead back to personal information about me? How would you feel if your real world information was revealed as part of the transaction.

Could the IRS or state taxation board track the transaction?

To me, good old fashioned cash works best. Originally Posted by Fizley

Some of the advertising boards will give you gifts through the site but then you money is stuck on that site. One time someone boight be an expensive jewlery set and gave me the reciept i was able to exchange it for something that fit and I liked but no cash value in hand but he was able to sweep it under the radar as another Christmas gift or birthday . Who knows.
Cash is king . As they say but I have been known to work around it if I absolutely had too but not too often. With all the ATMs around really no excuse unless you have a nosy SO
Remember if you are committing a crime and use a credit card or any of these internet aps to pay for it.. THAT MAKES IT A FEDERAL OFFENSE
That being said ..
It is the only true way to absolutely know for now that you are not dealing with LE They can not send or receive money like that. So if a verified girl asks for a deposit because you are not verified on the boards.
That is most likely what she is trying to do is make one last attempt in making sure you are safe.
boardman's Avatar
It's too volatile. Not to mention the Anonymity aspect.
So let me interject with you "cash is king" believers. I have made over $2mm with BTC over the last three years and no, cash is not king, its a depreciating asset that has lost 10% of its value already this year. BTC is non track able, non traceable, and has appreciated 400% this year alone.

Nothing you own, have ever owned, or will own, has appreciated that much in three months. Start taking BTC and those that want to pay you with it, let them. It will only make you rich in the future!