I'm trying to think of a right wing movement that has helped people

All the abortion clinic bombings resulted in killings and severe injuries that saved dozens of fetuses at the expense of dedicated medical personnel.
All the insurance companies were allowed to ration care with 20% annual premium increases, deny claims and dump sick people off their rolls due to preexisting conditions until Obamacare screwed that up.
? Originally Posted by Seeker

Good Luck...
Good Luck... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Are you even awake or did you just not understand the OP's post?
Three day weekends?
Are you even awake or did you just not understand the OP's post? Originally Posted by Little Stevie
yes & no...do you still have that taste in your mouth from your tubing trip last week?
joe bloe's Avatar
Lincoln was a Republican and was obviously instrumental in ending slavery. Does that count?

Tea Party conservatives fight to defend the Constitution which is the foundation of this country.
Anything since the parties actually switched roles and philosophies? Now, you Teapublicans are trying to intimidate black voters.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Solidarity in Poland? The Contra rebels in Nicaragua? The fall of the Berlin wall? The revolt against communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
John Birch Society?
I B Hankering's Avatar
? Originally Posted by Seeker

What about these leftists movements you are turning a blind eye to, seeker? You remember what they say about the blind leading the blind, don't you, seeker?

Russian Civil War (1917-22): 9,000,000

Soviet Union: 61,911,000 democides in the USSR 1917-87, of which 51,755,000 occurred during the Stalin years. This divides up into:
■Russian Civil War (1917-22)
■War: 1,410,000 (includes 500,000 civilian)
■Famine: 5,000,000 (50% democidal)
■Other democide: 784,000
■Epidemics: 2,300,000
■Total: 9,494,000
■1923-29: 2,200,000 (plus 1M non-democidal famine deaths)
■1929-39: 15,785,000 (plus 2M non-democidal famine)
■1939-45: 18,157,000
■1946-54: 15,613,000 (plus 333,000 non-democidal famine)
■TOTAL: 51,755,000 democides and 3,333,000 non-demo. famine

WWII European War (military) Dead (1939-45): 28,736,000
■Stalin: 13,053,000

Chinese Civil War (1945-49) Estimate:
■War Dead: 1,201,000
■Democide by Guomindang: 2,645,000
■Democide by Communists: 2,323,000
■Famine: 25,000
■TOTAL: 6,194,000

People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong’s regime (1949-1975) Estimate:
■Democide: 34,361,000 (1949-75)
■The principle episodes being…
■All movements (1949-58): 11,813,000
■incl. Land Reform (1949-53): 4,500,000
■Cult. Rev. (1964-75): 1,613,000
■Forced Labor (1949-75): 15,000,000
■Great Leap Forward (1959-63): 5,680,000 democides
■War: 3,399,000
■Famine: 34,500,000
■Great Leap Forward: 27M famine deaths
■TOTAL: 72,260,000

North Korea (1948-now) 4,600,000 (not including the Korean War)

Under Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge imposed an extreme form of social engineering on Cambodian society — a radical form of agrarian communism where the whole population had to work in collective farms or forced labor projects. In terms of the number of people killed as a proportion of the population (almost 2 million killed out of an estimated 7.1 million people), it was the most lethal regime of the 20th century. (Plus an estimated, additional 35,000 foreign democides)

•Estimates based on books by Rummel
Solidarity in Poland? The Contra rebels in Nicaragua? The fall of the Berlin wall? The revolt against communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

LMAO! Solidarity in Poland? That was when Lech Walesa got an endorsement for labor unions from Reagan. That certainly wouldn't happen with the "Bainster" at the helm. In fact, Reagan couldn't have won the nomination this year. He would have been too liberal!

COF you continue to prove yourself an idiot faster than I can type responses pointing out your stupidity!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I would think ending slavery ranks pretty high up there as well as the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Then there was reconstruction that enabled freedmen to vote. Then there was giving the women the right to vote. Pretty big deal. Though you guys won't like it, fighting back communism saved this country in the 50s. Oh yes, ending segregation in the schools was a GOP idea. What else did republicans do???? Oh, the national park system under Teddy Roosevelt. Ending the war in Vietnam and ending the war in Korea.

Of course you don't have enough education to realize that right wing means different things in different reasons and you don't explain yourself. So you want to detail what you really mean?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hey DIPSHIT, that Wasnt the question, was it?

Your intelligence is only exceeded by your stupidity...whatever the fuck that means.