Cowboys again

rjdiner's Avatar
In honor of our retired buddy Smitty, I thought we had to have a Cowboy thread for the upcoming season.
This one is going to be a little different since I really don't give a rats ass what their record is or if they make the playoffs. I really don't hate the Cowboys like many of you think. I hate their owner. Therefore, I generally root against them. Hating Jerry Jones is the one thing Capitan and I can agree on in this world. There could be others but I know we agree on that. LOL

In spite of not being a cowboy fan, they have had a lot of players over the years I grew to enjoy watching and respected tremendously. Hence, the nature of this thread is:

Who was your favorite Cowboy of all-time and tell me why.
(Flaming someone elses pick is fair game).

I will start with mine. It is Emmitt Smith. Clearly the most mentally and physically tough Cowboy I ever saw. Who can forget when he played in that Giants game with a separated shoulder. He gained 170 yds that day and lowered that shoulder on one occasion to take Lawrence Taylor head on. Only after the game did we understand how much pain that man played with. I still get chills thinking about it.

Post away...... I await your picks.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Roger Staubach. "Captain Comeback" with all those 4th quarter comebacks. What die hard Cowboys fan who was old enough to see the game on TV could ever forget the "Hail Mary" pass to Drew Pearson to defeat the Viking in the 1975 divisional playoffs. Oh, how I long for those good old days.
gomezaddams59's Avatar
OMG, for once I agree with rjdiner. Jerry Jones is the biggest white trash piece of s..t to ever own a team. Dallas society will drop him like an HIV loaded sh.t brick as soon as he sells the team. All time best Dallas player IMHO is Walt Garrison. Runners-up include Bob Lilly, Jethro Pugh, Don Meredith, Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith and Drew Pearson. As always......everyone has their own opinion. Go Pokes!!!! opco m:
capitan1962's Avatar
Well RJ I think we both like slutty women even though I tend to lean more towards the latin flavor.

Favorite Cowboy, Randy White. The meanest SOB to ever wear that star.
rjdiner's Avatar
OMG, for once I agree with rjdiner. Jerry Jones is the biggest white trash piece of s..t to ever own a team. Dallas society will drop him like an HIV loaded sh.t brick as soon as he sells the team. All time best Dallas player IMHO is Walt Garrison. Runners-up include Bob Lilly, Jethro Pugh, Don Meredith, Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith and Drew Pearson. As always......everyone has their own opinion. Go Pokes!!!! opco m: Originally Posted by gomezaddams59
Garrison was a real cowboy. Not just one with a star on his helmet.

Well RJ I think we both like slutty women even though I tend to lean more towards the latin flavor.

Favorite Cowboy, Randy White. The meanest SOB to ever wear that star. Originally Posted by capitan1962
No doubt. He was one tough hombre
My Favorite Dallas Cowboy from back in the day was wide receiver Bullet Bob Hayes, he was purty fast & used to stretch the defense/defensive backs trying to cover him. Also liked defensive lineman Bob Lilly & Jethro Pugh & linebackers Lee Roy Jordon & Chuck Howley & quarterback Dandy Don Meredith-turn out the lights, the party's over-I liked Dandy Don when he was a sportscaster on Monday Night Football.
yall brot up a bunch of good ball players. my favorit cowboy was roger Starbuck. that sumbich cood win some big games.