Who Is Best For The Hobby?

ICU 812's Avatar
Could be wrong forum:

So who will be the best for The Hobby?

Disregarding their politics, Red/Vs Blue, Dem/GOP or Left-Right Yadda-Blah: Who would be best for The Hobby?

I am beginning to look closly at the Libertarien candidate, Gary Johnson. While it is still some five months till election day, this election cycle is so screwey that he might ACTUALLY HAVE A CHANCE!

The Libertarian platform has always included legalizing Staff edit CC prostitution. This could be the year.

I don't care who you have ever voted for before—think about it!
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
Johnson only needs something like 33% of the vote to make it so The House of Representatives decides who wins the election in November. That seems like quite a feat but quite a few people don't like Clinton or Trump, and rightly so. The trick is to get people to realize there's an alternative to not voting or voting for "the lesser of two evils."
Johnson doesn't stand a chance unless he gets the press time of Hildabeast or Trumpolini. People are too lazy to research a candidate; 90% of what they know about them is thru CNN and the evening news.
maineblame's Avatar
I was hoping for bernie but ah well.....

I'm gonna take a closer look at Johnson ...see what I did there
ICU 812's Avatar
Johnson only needs something like 33% of the vote to make it so The House of Representatives decides who wins the election in November. ." Originally Posted by Keyhole Arc Blow
Right you are in principle, BUT:

Note that its NOT 33% of the popular vote, but 33% of the Electoral Collage vote.

I think Johnson can pull voters from both the Trump camp and Saunders as well.

Does ECCIE have a lobbyist in Washington? Should we?

What about an ECCIE fund raiser for Johnson (but quietly!)
cowboy8055's Avatar
Johnson has little chance. The establishment won't allow it. I'd be surprised if he hit 10%
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-18-2016, 02:51 PM
To address the original question:

I expect Clinton would be a slight negative. She would feel obliged to at least follow the feminist speaking points that all sex workers are trafficked, therefore sex work must not be allowed. But I doubt it would rise to one of her core issues and it would not be worked very hard.

Trump, who knows? The real issue with Trump is that no one really knows what he stands for, most likely including him. He is a walking/talking ego trip. I doubt he will care about the business for moral reasons, and best guess is he will be neutral.

Johnson would likely ignore the issue.
I think ICU brings up a pretty good discussion point. My thing is, I'm starting to get to the point where I don't understand wtf is going on anymore with these douche bags. Either Hildabeast or Trumpolini as Prolongus puts it. Nice play on words there by the way lol.

Hillary I just can't fucking stand due to her past and her arrogance even with a shit storm looking her right in the face with this FBI investigation. Look what happened when Wild Bill was in and all the lies about his fun times in the Oval Office with his g/f's, she didn't do shit for NY when she was a senator there, at least not for upstate, central and western NY, it was only a stepping stone for her career in politics, her resume as the Secretary of State leaves little to be desired and now all the damn "scandals" or whatever you want to call them surrounding her. Benghazi and her email situation for a couple of examples. We all know that ALL politicians lie, or at the very least are extremely politically correct due to being afraid of losing their next election, but she seems to be the liar of all lies and cannot be trusted. IMO the only thing she amounts to is a big pile of nothing, other than the fact that she's going to be just another 4 years of Obama policies....if not fucking worse.

Trump....oh boy, where to start. When the debates first started I was all or Carly Fiorina. I've said for years we need a business person in the White House. Enough of these politically correct asshat lawyers that when even answered a simple question, do the ole duck and dive without ever really answering the question. Even when the press asks them more than once. You sit at your TV and think to yourself....just answer the fucking question asshole. Anyway, once she was out, I started leaning towards Trump. I'm not politically correct and I loved how he just said what was on his mind. I also felt that if anyone can bring the economy back, it's him. And honestly, the economy here in the U.S. and homeland security are I believe at the top of the list right now. I liked how he was funding his own campaign so that he wouldn't be owned if/when he got elected and wouldn't owe any of these fucking lobbyists a thing. Which I truly believe is what scares the GOP establishment the most. But the last several weeks have given concern about how he's acting now and some of the shit that pours out of his mouth is starting to not only get on my nerves, but makes me worried about him having his fingers on that testy little red button that could end the world as we know it.

I don't know anything about Johnson, but should probably take a closer look at him just so that I'm well educated before going to the polls. If he ends up getting on the ballet that is. I never thought I'd say it, but I would like to see a 3rd choice. Both of these two fucks that are running are starting to scare the shit outta me with their damn rhetoric.

As far as the OP's question, who the hell knows who would be best for the hobby. If I had to pick one, I'd have to say Trump. He's a business man and this business is thriving, so why not lol.

edit: Just seen something on the front page of yahoo. Didn't read the whole article, but looks like the GOP is taking a look at changing the rules for the delegates at the convention. Giving them an option to vote for somebody other than Trump on the first ballet. They're calling it the "Conscientious Objector" rule. Wtf is that all about? Let's change the rules as we go along to make them fit our agenda. Give me a fucking break.
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
Right you are in principle, BUT:

Note that its NOT 33% of the popular vote, but 33% of the Electoral Collage vote.

I think Johnson can pull voters from both the Trump camp and Saunders as well.

Does ECCIE have a lobbyist in Washington? Should we?

What about an ECCIE fund raiser for Johnson (but quietly!) Originally Posted by ICU 812
With the way the electoral college is set up it's not impossible to get the 33% to spoil it and have the election decided by the House.

See this video.
cowboy8055's Avatar

Johnson would likely ignore the issue.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Most likely they'll all ignore it. Can't see legalizing prostitution on any party's platform any time soon. It's simply a non issue. Any changes to prostitution laws will first occur at local level.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-19-2016, 12:33 PM
Most likely they'll all ignore it. Can't see legalizing prostitution on any party's platform any time soon. It's simply a non issue. Any changes to prostitution laws will first occur at local level. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
I agree--none will do anything to improve. Ignore is the best possibility.
Note that its NOT 33% of the popular vote, but 33% of the Electoral Collage vote. Originally Posted by ICU 812
It's not that, either. For an election to go to the House requires only that no candidate have a simple majority in the Electoral College. The minimum number of Electoral votes required to secure election is 270 (of 538). In theory, a candidate with only 2 electoral votes could force an election by the House. This could mean carrying just two congressional districts in Nebraska, or the State of Alaska.
ICU 812's Avatar
Many good points given on both H and T.

I have read that Johnson is ALREADY on the Ballot in all 60 states. So he is already a valid choice.

The Libertarien platform has always been for opening up personal liberties and limiting Govt intervention. Johnson has publically supported decriminalizing prostitution—and other things—which is the traditional Libertarien ideology.

The closest "main-stream" polition to Johnson is, I think, Rand Paul.