Happy Day, Mother Earth!

Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
I just want people to read the post in the Sandbox so am pointing you there.


Love ya'!
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
BTW, Annie Sprinkle was the MC at the Texas Burlesque Festival I attended last weekend. She did a skit about "Talking Dirty to Your Plants" that was so cute! lol Anyway, there was also a beautiful poster of this that I had to buy & felt appropriate for sharing on Earth Day. Hope you take it to heart. XOXOX
The earth is a tool. A place we unfortunately have to live on, for a short time. The earth has been around a long time and will be around a long time after we and all our decenadnts are long gone. There is nothing we can do to the earth that time will not heal. We cna build nuclear power plants all the over place and let them meltdon, we can pile miles of garbage all over the earth, we can poison the oceans and rivers, we can knock down the mountains, stripmine, cut down all the trees, the EARTH DOESN'T CARE! It is not a sentient being and there is no reason to worship it. If the earth was an entity, it wouldn't give a crap either, because it would know that in a 10 or 20 thousand years, we'll all be gone and all the shit we built will waste away.

The only way we could really damage the earth would be to build a pipe into outer space and pump all the water off the surface. That would fuck up the earth and kill all life on the earth. But, the stupid piece of rock wouldn't give a crap anyway!

That is what i think of Earth Day and all the fucked up liberal thinking that holds back progess for no good reason!
rrrabbit's Avatar
He said "tool" on the make love thread.

Giggle, giggle. :-)
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
I'm a peace lovin' earth monger, saj1000. You're a hate monger apparently. Keep it to yourself.

If you don't OIL your tools they get rusty. Good luck oiling yours w/ that attitude.

knotty man's Avatar
wow! how appropriate that earth day 4:21. follows 4:20. the day of celebrating the earths most natural "highness". coincedence....i think not!
I'm a peace lovin' earth monger, saj1000. You're a hate monger apparently. Keep it to yourself.

If you don't OIL your tools they get rusty. Good luck oiling yours w/ that attitude.

Thanks Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat

Earth Day is a false religion. It seeks to glorify an inanimate object that has no reason to be worshipped.

Also, BP was kind enough to OIL the Gulf last year, and everybody complained!

And, Hey, my money is as green as every other mongers...I'll get oiled when I want and my 'traditional' opinions will not affect my ability to 'trade' in any way.
knotty man's Avatar
its not a religion. its a day of reflection. to remember that we dont provide life to this earth. earth provides life to us. if we dont nurture it and protect it, the earth wont die, WE WILL!
rrrabbit's Avatar
its not a religion. its a day of reflection. to remember that we dont provide life to this earth. earth provides life to us. if we dont nurture it and protect it, the earth wont die, WE WILL! Originally Posted by knotty man

She will be around loooonnnnnggggg after the last of us. And I doubt she'll be weeping for any of us.
its not a religion. its a day of reflection. to remember that we dont provide life to this earth. earth provides life to us. if we dont nurture it and protect it, the earth wont die, WE WILL! Originally Posted by knotty man
Yes, we are ALL going to die. It's the only sure thing we have to look forward to. There is no good reason to worship a piece of rock.

We should be drilling for oil, cutting down the trees(and replanting), mining the coal, etc etc.

And, we should build 1000 nuclear plants in the US and get off oil and coal for good. But that will never happen, will it? Because of the "Earth Worshippers".
shaft.drive's Avatar
I'm a peace lovin' earth monger, saj1000. You're a hate monger apparently. Keep it to yourself.

If you don't OIL your tools they get rusty. Good luck oiling yours w/ that attitude.

Thanks Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat
Please stop reacting.
For all you know he may be on the same side you are on, & is just using "irony"
regardless, even if he is a hate monger, let him be.
just love & don't expect everyone to be like you
rrrabbit's Avatar
Ya know Saj...

I don't disagree with you entirely. I agree that burning oil and coal is ultimately not a good thing.


Since you are entitled to your opinions, please allow me to express mine with a rhetorical Q: why have your above statements not become reality yet ?

Because we live in a democracy ?

Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Do I need to call the Poop Scoopers? I don't deal in politics, haven't personally read/watched any news or popular tv shows in the past 7 yrs. I haven't had a car for over a year, though I'd like to remedy that - preferably w/ something that slows down my leadfoot & the cycle of pollution - and would certainly like companies to have "fail-safes" in place before utilizing systems w/ the potential for damage such as the tragedy you mentioned. Keeping this part simple & short, but people out there *hopefully* catch my drift.

My thoughts upon reading your post:
-Why go shit on a "feel-good, positive, hippie hearted, peace lovin' thread like this?
-Doesn't planet earth support the life upon her surface?
-What's wrong w/ APPRECIATING what you got?
-We all have EARTH whether we have a hot date tmrw or not. It's COMMON GROUND. *gasp* Sure, that means you can comment for discussion. It's just the NEGATIVE ENERGY that oozed from your post that I can't stomach. Keep that shit to yourself. ewwww
-I told a statistics quoting doctor "You can cut out everything in this world that's bad for you, and still get sick".

*EX:* Sure, I can put my clean, sorted recycling out every week not knowing for sure that it's getting processed for reuse rather than dumped in the landfill. That doesn't mean I'm not going to keep hoping that doing my part is helping or being proud to see someone else picking up trash besides me as they walk around on the planet. I don't want to live in a dirty place. Why muck up the earth? Just do what YOU can. *the proverbial you*

These were just the thoughts reading your post brought on.

-False religion? What is religion but the "intangible" we put our faith in as a personal support system? That's something you can't dictate as "right or wrong" in the context of what is CORRECT.

-INANIMATE??? OK, this is where you made me think: Maybe he's still celebratin' 4/20.


*DUH* Doesn't have life???? EARTH supports YOUR unappreciative ass! UNCONDITIONALLY! Till it turns into dust & scatters all of our substance across the universe to create new worlds.

It all comes full circle. Just try to inject more positivity in your day a little at a time & you'll find life is much more pleasant. I mean this in the most UNCONDITIONALLY LOVING way. I'm glad I can do that for ya'... & anyone else it helps.

shaft.drive's Avatar
they r really cranking your chain aren't they?
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
they r really cranking your chain aren't they? Originally Posted by shaft.drive
Me? Who? Not really upsetting me other than my hope that type of commentary isn't undisputed. Hope your chain isn't cranking your driveshaft overmuch.


Just standing my ground. After all, I AM a red-headed IRISH lass. Don't take things so literally, dude.