One way to exit the hobby...

notanewbie's Avatar
burkalini's Avatar
Rude and stupid. He is obviously just trying to start shit. Hopefully Chica will just lock this immediately but leave it up since the guy wanted to make an ass of himself.

RTM: This has no purpose other than to incite.
burkalini's Avatar
Rude and stupid. He is obviously just trying to start shit. Hopefully Chica will just lock this immediately but leave it up since the guy wanted to make an ass of himself.

RTM: This has no purpose other than to incite. Originally Posted by ufriend2912
If that was his goal he succeeded. Making an ass of himself that is.
If that was his goal he succeeded. Making an ass of himself that is. Originally Posted by burkalini
Interpretation of the OP: Exit the hobby looking like an ass so that rather than cordial "so longs" one can proudly exit with jeers of "good riddance" to inflate their sails.
burkalini's Avatar
Maybe the exit is his hobby and he was just announcing it.
notanewbie's Avatar
It was a joke and I can give a shit if you did not see the humor, I did and that is all that counts. In retrospect I should have posted it in Comedy Central. Burk, go stalk Nayomi or something.
London Rayne's Avatar
I think it's hilarious knowing his humor. Hell, he makes fun of me all the time and I don't throw a hissy fit about it. Laugh's a joke!
notanewbie's Avatar
see she gets it and I only have to suck her dick.

Thanks cookie.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Edit: comment.
Smile y'all
PERVERTed's Avatar
...i thought it was funny.