**Incall Warming Party**

I am moving my incall into a longer term location and have decided to celebrate it with an "Incall Warming" party!

As some of you may know, my sister throws adult toy parties so she agreed to come too! She will have lots of lingerie and toys set up. Lots of great gift ideas for Valentine's Day

There will be snacks and refreshments provided but feel free to bring something if you would like.

It will be held Wednesday Feb.9th from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please R.S.V.P if you will be attending so I can have enough food and drinks available. Please do not r.s.v.p. and not show up. That is just not nice. Lol!

Please do not take this wrong, but I am asking only hobbiests that I know or have seen BCD and verified providers come. This is for obvious reasons, I hope.

I look forward to mingling and having a great time! Hope to see y'all there!
nuglet's Avatar
LOL, perhaps you have one of those new 10,000 sq ft apartments? If ALL your friends are there, it's gonna be a crowd..
that's a good thing..
It's like you were reading my mind Nug. I just finished changing that part and saw your post.

I know quite a few people here and you are one of them. You are more than welcome to come. Infact, I hope you do!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I would love to stop by if I am in town that day
Ok, before this becomes an issue let me qualify what "know" means...

*If we have met before then I know you.

*If you are a mod then I know you.

The reason for this is I still need to protect my location.

The reason for posting here is because I would like to open it up as much as I reasonably can. I hope this makes sense.
sixxbach's Avatar

That is a great way to kick off the start of a new incall. I am sure a good time will be had by all...

ThrillBill88's Avatar
I'll drop by and say hello, and bring an "incall warming" gift...
As it stands now I should be able to drop by for a brief "how do you do." I will confirm no later than Monday of that week!
Can I come? I haven't met you before so I know I don't meet the criteria but I thought I would ask anyways since you mentioned a similar toy party runned by your sister in a older thread which never happened
knotty man's Avatar
i would love to be added to the guest list if at all possible babe. i wouldnt miss it for the world
deedeedoe62's Avatar
I have seen you, I guess you know me!! I'd like to go, but I'll send you a PM for my RSVP.
I have gotten pm's from a few ladies that will be joining but I would really like more ladies to come too. So gents if you have an atf please invite her along as well. All verified providers are welcome to come.

Sorry to those that feel left out. I hope you understand.
Sounds like it will be a great time. you all enjoy....
I'd like to come!