Am I seen as a Pimp?

Whispers's Avatar
I know the strip clubs as well as the girls.....

I bring strippers to parties and introduce them to guys....

I share information on Strippers that gets other guys laid.....

Probably more information here in Austin than any other Hobbyist.....

I know some of the local Ladies wondered about the girls that came to Socials with me back in ASPD days.......... They were all Strippers that played the same way you do....

There is not a jealous bone in my body and I share well....



I was in Chat.... I never Chat... Don't understand it.... don't know the rules.....

I saw the never ending slew of Pictures being posted by ladies in what looked to me to basically be a FLIRT/ADVERTISING medium....

I asked if I could post pics and was told sure.....

I posted pics of some of the ladies that attend luncheons and was immediately accused of trying to PIMP the ladies....

Now.... One thing was certain..... The pics I was posting were far hotter then the ones being posted by the ladies.....

I caught flack from some... called a PIMP by more than a few.... MUTED by a Mod when asking why?

I have never taken a dollar from a ladi I have introduced to a guy and to be honest I feel a few of the guys ought to at least buy me a beer or lunch for all the cheap puss that has come there way as a result of my efforts....

I see it more as simply helping friends on both side of the fence get to know each other.... I have never been in the middle of any of their negotiations.... I seldom hear what happened between them either.... (GUYS OWE A SHITLOAD OF REVIEWS!)

What is your opinion of my role in introducing guys to ladies or ladies to guys?
Do you take a small percentage for "referrals".

If not and you are getting flack and being a called a pimp, maybe you should take a cut...and buy a nice blue fur hat.
oralick's Avatar
Are Pimps the same thing as Manipulators?
Whispers's Avatar
Do you take a small percentage for "referrals".

If not and you are getting flack and being a called a pimp, maybe you should take a cut...and buy a nice blue fur hat. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302



And the only place I've ever caught flack was in chat...
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Are Pimps the same thing as Manipulators? Originally Posted by oralick
Depends, was anyone manipulated into having sex for money, they had said money (or any portion of it) given to Whispers?
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
From someone who currently has a stripper introduced by Whispers sleeping in his bed, I don't recall handing him any money... Besides, pimps don't screen, and Whispers' screening is rigorous.
There's no way you could be a pimp. If you were, I'd be getting instant messages 2,741 times a day (while I'm at my big girl job) asking me to come over and keep the ladies in line for you. Your pimp hand is definitely not strong.
Whispers are you telling me you pay attention to whats in chat.........damn im disappointed...and alittle shocked.

Is this a Whispers who cares?
If you are a "pimp" than we all are! I personally do NOT consider myself to be a "pimp" and neither are you!
Whispers's Avatar
Whispers are you telling me you pay attention to whats in chat.........damn im disappointed...and alittle shocked.

Is this a Whispers who cares? Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
To be honest..... I went into chat looking for someone specific that hangs out there to draw them here for a fight...err.... discussion.....

I did spend a little time looking... watching.....

It was pretty embarrassing for the guys IMO.... lots of lonely nutless souls....
That was pretty funny in chat that night. He was being accused of being a pimp and did get put on mute. Whispers was catching hell in there.
I wanted to vote but felt the options in the poll were too limited, so I refrained.

If you mean are you a pimp in the strictest sense of the word I'd say no unless you are actually collecting a fee of some sort from the ladies or their prospective clients, which I highly doubt you are. In a more general sense it does seem that you DO profit socially and emotionally from introducing girls to potential paying suitors so some people might argue that you are indeed benefiting from the introductions and making them for partly personal gain.

I don't really know for sure since I've never met you in person but you definitely do come across on the board(to me anyway) as someone extremely emotionally invested in your ability to make those introductions... like almost to the point of having a personal vendetta against girls that have the gall to work in the sex industry without your personal stamp of approval.

I totally relate to what you said about the chat room being a somewhat vapid meeting place that does tend to turn into a "look at me! look at my pic! tell me I'm still attractive!" type situation but surely you had to know that it would come across as rude and mean spirited to the girls in there at the time to take it upon yourself to post a stream of photos of strippers that you happen to know. In fact, it would've been less offensive if you WERE a pimp or an agency because then at least you are motivated by money and it's simply business versus you taking your own personal time to remind working girls that they are(in your eyes) past their prime. It may have came off as malicious and the closest thing any one could think of to describe your behavior at the time was "pimp". I don't know, I wasn't there.

Now that I think about it, why DON'T you start your own agency for strippers making the transition to escorts? You already do the work...might as well get paid for it and be legit about it.

Of course...then those girls would know what their options are rather than being mostly secluded in the strip club world and might choose to work for a better paying agency or group of gentlemen since, as you've pointed out they are often very pretty and young and would fetch a nice rate in a more open environment.
tige1979's Avatar
I think Whispers is just trying to help out girls in need and help guys that want to have fun. I think you could only call him a pimp if he received a fee.
Well nearly 75% understand.
knotty man's Avatar
if your a pimp, does that make me a john?....and since i drive all the way to austin, i guess that would make me a "porta- john"