Trump called New Hampshire a “drug invested den”!

bambino's Avatar
Yeah, he said it. But NH is a primarily a “white” state. 94% white citizens. He wasn’t called a racist. He was just telling the truth.

Clinton won NH by .04% of the vote in 2016
Chung Tran's Avatar
Yeah, he said it. But NH is a primarily a “white” state. He wasn’t called a racist. He was just telling the truth.

Clinton won NH by .04% of the vote in 2016 Originally Posted by bambino

I don't know what Trump is thinking.. looks like he is trying hard to push voters away.. he has fucked away New Hampshire and Maryland in the past few days.. not a lot of Electoral votes, but still..
Several of the north eastern states have serious opioid problems.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don't know what Trump is thinking.. looks like he is trying hard to push voters away.. he has fucked away New Hampshire and Maryland in the past few days.. not a lot of Electoral votes, but still.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

has he?

you make the false assumption that the relentless negative press coverage works against Trump. in fact it works for Trump and Trump knows it. people in Baltimore know it is a shithole and they know why. Democratic corruption over decades. The more Trump is proven right about the Democrats, the more support he gets.

Look at them. 20+ uber libtards scrambling to see who can out-pander themselves into more socialist bullshit. People are fed up with the Democrats. they are leaving the party. it ain't fake russki bots posting #WalkAway videos as the press tries to claim. most Democrats i know are not uber socialist racist anti-americans. they are tired of the Democrats always playing the race card .. over everything.

They see the US being prosperous under Trump. They see America's interests put first and foremost. And they see what happens when a President does that. Like Ronnie the Great. And Reagan was a great president. You blame the Republicans on way too much. You should be blaming the Democrats. And America is now being shown what happens when the Democrats are in control. Daley's Chicago. Detroit. Baltimore. San Fransisco.

the only bad thing the Republicans are guilty of is giving up fighting the tax-and-spend deficit whores of the Democratic party. They said "Well fuck it, as long as we get ours, who cares? it's just Fed fiat money anyway". they abandoned their fiscal conservatism because the Democrats relentlessly pushed for far left socialist welfare rather than fixing the real problems. the Democrats put a socialist money band-aide on it.

it makes me laugh how people deride Trump under the false premise the ENTIRE 22 Trillion dollar debt magically appeared on his watch. We all know (don't we YR) who the real deficit president is ... i give you ..

President Deficit

ok .. 12 might be a bit much. but 9 TRILLION IS NOT.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The US was prosperous before Trump, bud.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The US was prosperous before Trump, bud. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

were we?

Last Ride's Avatar
People give presidents too much credit for prosperity.
People give presidents too much credit for prosperity. Originally Posted by Last Ride
yeah its the American entrepreneur

but it was amazing how the economy, markets and public sentiment and confidence turned on a dime the moment trump took office and the fear of and the scourge of obama was over

American confidence, the barometer of optimism, when trump took over, became unbounded

the thread is about trump being an equal opportunity truth teller though

isn't it actually racist to coddle blacks or minorities and not treat them as you would any other person?

being fearful to speak the truth and overlooking Cummings as he cant help it because he's black, so good, and "naturally smarter", white people should never tell the truth concerning any thing if a black is somehow connected; I say that leftist attitude is the real racism. calling Cummings out isn't racist, not calling him out on his bs would be

the left reverts very easily to calling people racist when they aren't and just because what they say and do isn't racist...well that doesn't matter, its a dog whistle other racists hear, you know.

the left can find racism anywhere, anytime and when they cant? they forge and counterfeit it themselves with fakeness and lies

its all part of how they keep herd on what they feel is (but never verbalize exactly) their poor incompetents
The US was prosperous before Trump, bud. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are correct this time...

So Ronald Reagan leads the pack with an astounding 15% increase in the EPI from when he took office until he handed the reins to George H.W. Bush. George W. Bush, Richard Nixon, and Jimmy Carter bring up the rear with a cringe-inducing decrease of more than 10%.

(1) RONALD REAGAN (R) 1981-1989
President Reagan gets an advantage in this particular ranking because the economy was doing so poorly to begin with when he took office; the EPI scored it at 76.4% in 1981. Despite what many fiscal conservatives assert, he presided over a collection of fiscally expansive policies, from defense spending to greater social welfare programs, that tripled the national debt. Combine that with a marked reduction in federal income taxes and it sounds like a recipe for disaster. However, the Federal Reserve tightening of the money supply tamed inflation and GDP growth picked up to 7.2% in 1984, with unemployment dropping to 5.3% by the end of his term.
The result: an EPI score of 90.8%, making his presidency the best—economically—in recent history.

Like TWK said...the great one!!

With your selective comprehension this will be a tough one for you...
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
were we?

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Wow. Every statistic in that chart is misleading.

Trump has rarely hit 50% approval rating on Rasmussen which is the only site on which he has hit 50%. His overall approval rating is somewhere between 42 and 44. At this point in time in their terms in office, Obama was at 44.6% approval rate and Trump at 42.9%.

When Obama left office the unemployment rate was at 4.6%.

Trump added 6.423 million jobs while in office. 27,000 more jobs per month than Trump.

GDP growth under Trump has been 2.4% in 2017 (more an Obama year than a Trump year), 2.9% in 2018, and 3.1% in 1Q2019 and 2.1% in 2Q2019. Estimate of about 2.5% in FY2019. Not the 3.0+% promised by Trump, even with a massive tax giveaway to corporations.

Trump has done an overall good job on the economy. But it is unfair to compare Obama and Trump since Obama took over an economy in the toilet and Trump took over an economy that was in good shape and has made it better.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Opioid problem is " outa control" in the NE He's referencing the politicians well doing nothing ,,,,
bambino's Avatar
I don't know what Trump is thinking.. looks like he is trying hard to push voters away.. he has fucked away New Hampshire and Maryland in the past few days.. not a lot of Electoral votes, but still.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
The point is, he’s pointing out the lack of leadership by the politicians that do nothing to tackle problems no matter the color of their constituencies. That’s the point. Besides, A Republican really doesn’t have a chance to win Maryland.
rexdutchman's Avatar
You know I'm a dumbass and I understand what he's saying is it possible that he's that much smarter then the average bears ,,,+ LSM other politicians people ,,,,,,,,,
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wow. Every statistic in that chart is misleading.

Trump has rarely hit 50% approval rating on Rasmussen which is the only site on which he has hit 50%. His overall approval rating is somewhere between 42 and 44. At this point in time in their terms in office, Obama was at 44.6% approval rate and Trump at 42.9%.

When Obama left office the unemployment rate was at 4.6%.

Trump added 6.423 million jobs while in office. 27,000 more jobs per month than Trump.

GDP growth under Trump has been 2.4% in 2017 (more an Obama year than a Trump year), 2.9% in 2018, and 3.1% in 1Q2019 and 2.1% in 2Q2019. Estimate of about 2.5% in FY2019. Not the 3.0+% promised by Trump, even with a massive tax giveaway to corporations.

Trump has done an overall good job on the economy. But it is unfair to compare Obama and Trump since Obama took over an economy in the toilet and Trump took over an economy that was in good shape and has made it better. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Well put.

Unfortunately, google searches don’t come with a bullshitometer, and some posters don’t particularly care where they get the info they post here, just so they’re blastin 0zombies.

The point is that we faced the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression as a result of the Bush administration, and like Clinton did eight years earlier, Obama led us back to prosperity. It’s continued under Trump, but not because of his leadership.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wow. Every statistic in that chart is misleading.

Trump has rarely hit 50% approval rating on Rasmussen which is the only site on which he has hit 50%. His overall approval rating is somewhere between 42 and 44. At this point in time in their terms in office, Obama was at 44.6% approval rate and Trump at 42.9%.

When Obama left office the unemployment rate was at 4.6%.

Trump added 6.423 million jobs while in office. 27,000 more jobs per month than Trump.

GDP growth under Trump has been 2.4% in 2017 (more an Obama year than a Trump year), 2.9% in 2018, and 3.1% in 1Q2019 and 2.1% in 2Q2019. Estimate of about 2.5% in FY2019. Not the 3.0+% promised by Trump, even with a massive tax giveaway to corporations.

Trump has done an overall good job on the economy. But it is unfair to compare Obama and Trump since Obama took over an economy in the toilet and Trump took over an economy that was in good shape and has made it better. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
resorting to the Bush Toilet defense doesn't buy ya much. You might get a cup of coffee at Nau's ..

unless Obama spent it on Solyndra .. then you get nothing.

So is it Obama's economy? Now ..?