Uh, Did We Just Send a Ransom Payment to the Taliban?

  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2021, 06:34 PM

Source: AP Photo/Wali Sabawoon

Americans are still trapped in Afghanistan. Joe Biden left them there. He had to go. On August 31, we had to be out because…the Taliban said so. President Dementia and his clown car of diplomats opted not to make the terrorists made and cave to this demand. We all know not every American was going to get out by August 31. Everyone knew days before the end of August. Even Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), a Russian collusion hoax peddler and noted liar, even admitted that this deadline was simply not going to work with regards to the evacuation.
Almost every talking point that the Biden administration peddled about the evacuation effort was wrong. The process was chaotic. You all saw the reports. And there was no clear access to the airport in Kabul. The Taliban were entrusted to be the TSA. They seized US passports. They blocked Americans from leaving and beat them. The security situation was abysmal, prime for a terrorist attack that tragically did occur, leaving 13 US service members dead. Biden promised to remain until every American was out. That was a lie. Now, with the Taliban in charge, we’re sending a $60+ million aid package—with Americans trapped in the country. Is this a ransom? It seems that it could be. Our friends at Twitchy noted this first.
It wouldn’t be the first time either. When Biden was VP, the Obama administration sent a ransom payment to free four Americans detained in Iran in 2016. The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. It’s a retread of the Obama years, but worse under Biden.

yes - fiden paid off the taliban
And the money will not get our Peoples out
Once paid - teh terrorists will never cease the demands
Stupid DPSTs and fiden do not understand - One does not negotiate with terrorists!!

Perhaps that is because the pet terrorists OBLM and antifa - are integral parts of teh DPST party structure and plans for violent marxist revolution in America.
Ol'roy boy said this isn't true...he said the war is over and were done there...
LexusLover's Avatar
One needs to inspect the posted pic carefully ... who has his hands behind his back and no head gear? Must be an Afghan-U.S.Paid employee of the U.S. military who deserted him. His daughter is now a sex-slave. Kumola must be proud!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Well yes, question isn't that Treason you know aide to enemy stuff