At least spell his name right, you f'n morons.

Sickpuppy's Avatar

Justice for Freddie Grey!, I mean Gray, I mean whatever the f**k it is. Check out the protest signs, professionally printed or home grown. The f'n morons didn't even bother to check the spelling of his last name...
He could have been known as Freddie Gay in the hood, but they didn't want to put it on the sign.

Justice for Freddie Grey!, I mean Gray, I mean whatever the f**k it is. Check out the protest signs, professionally printed or home grown. The f'n morons didn't even bother to check the spelling of his last name... Originally Posted by Sickpuppy

Check be ready... hopefully they spelled the name right...
They must have had those literary geniuses, woomby or suckclown, make their signs for them !! Wonder how much of that will be left after Sharptounge takes HIS cut and still doesn't pay the taxes he owes or the taxes on his cut of this ? That family is getting ready to meet relatives from the 'hood that they never knew they had until the payout was announced. Day kin git demselves some new rims and a CASE of fow-dees now !!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
wonderful. Freddie gay's family get's 6.4 Mil for {forbidden subject} money, are they gonna turn in their food stamps too?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're just jealous WaKKKo!
That 6.4 Million should have gone to Baltimore police pay raises.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-11-2015, 06:29 AM

Justice for Freddie Grey!, I mean Gray, I mean whatever the f**k it is. Check out the protest signs, professionally printed or home grown. The f'n morons didn't even bother to check the spelling of his last name... Originally Posted by Sickpuppy
Really? After the creative, intentionally insulting spelling of people's names on here you have the audacity to criticize others spell names?
There's no federal income tax on payments for personal injury

Not sure about this since Freddie is deddie and its to his relatives

I just hope they have all the relatives signed up

In the oil patch there's a title search and we get a lawyer to give a title opinion
For the leasing of property, some of it can get pretty hairy as to who is entitled to what

I can just hear it now in about a year, hey y'all didn't sign me, I too want some money