Hillary, The Reboot, to The Reboot, to The Reboot........

A morning talk show host in Houston said it best.

"This woman breaths in oxygen, and exhales lies".

So her campain is trying to " humanize" her now for what, about the fifth time since that abortion of a leap back in the Spring.


she now is willing to apologize. She is trying to be as "transparent" as she possible can.

Translation........you spent 6 months denying you have ever done anything wrong, now you want to apologize. For what??? The fact that Voters see right through your Clintonian Charade.

And be more transparent?? That's Clintoneese for, "I'll come up with a whole new set of lies and half truths, pablum for the masses who still have not got the message that I don't have to play by the rules".

This bitch is in the ditch. Joe Biden is warming up in the bullpen. Pocahontas is waiting to step in and save everybody. Bernie is just hoping that all of those morons who attend his Ralley's don't actually get out a dictionary and look up the word "Socialist".

Hillary best start practicing her "perp walk". Can't wait to see the mug shot.
Jackie, normally you are one of the more sensible Far Right posters. But where Hillary is concerned, you lose all common sense and perspective.

You are obsessed with Hillary! Plain and simple!

As for me, I am "still" hoping Jim Webb will somehow pull off a miracle!
Seth Myers, had a good bit on how "tech savvy" Hilary was, on some emails that have been released. The one on the fax machine was a real laughter.
southtown4488's Avatar
wheres all the "outrage" for this criminal???

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Indicted on Securities Charges. . .

Jackie, normally you are one of the more sensible Far Right posters. But where Hillary is concerned, you lose all common sense and perspective.

You are obsessed with Hillary! Plain and simple!

As for me, I am "still" hoping Jim Webb will somehow pull off a miracle! Originally Posted by bigtex
Jim Webb is out of money, Hillary is out of luck, and you're out of your mind.

wheres all the "outrage" for this criminal???

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Indicted on Securities Charges. . .

http://www.wsj.com/articles/texas-at...say-1438476512 Originally Posted by southtown4488
Paxton is under indictment, will go to trial, (if he doesn't plead out), and if convicted, will be punished according to the Law. If acquitted, he will get on with his life.

What other outrage do you want? For him to step down? I could go for that. Common sense would dictate that a State AG should not be under an indictment.

Texas will just plug in the next Republican to take his place.
Don't fall for the thread highjack.

Hillary already looks tired after 3-4 days of a limited campaign schedule and softball interviews hand picked for her.

Time for another 2 week vacation and reboot! She physically can't handle the stress. Bernie and Uncle Joe, two guys in their 70s, have more energy than her.