New Black Panther leader: Hunt down and kill white people

  • DSK
  • 09-11-2015, 11:13 AM
Remember, you mock us when we say the USA has a war on white people. If someone got up and said they wanted to kill black folks, he wopuld probably get shot.

It has been two years since he spoketh - has he received any punishment?
KKK Threatens to Wipe Out all Black People

What is your point? There are always a few whackos in every group. Kind of like you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Sounds like your comparing a group of hate motivated, prison trained hard cases to a hand full of Walmart yahoos shooting their mouths off. Think the scene from Fletch when the KKK couldn't even come up with a lighter to set their cross on fire. Is that the KKK you're talking about?

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hey does yankee land still have the largest KKK organizations in the nation?
I am fairly positive that Indiana had the largest number ever known.
Just like them northern libtards to claim racism is only in the south when it is and always has been more so in the north.

White lives matter!
  • DSK
  • 09-11-2015, 03:38 PM
KKK Threatens to Wipe Out all Black People

What is your point? There are always a few whackos in every group. Kind of like you. Originally Posted by timpage
Why do the whites receive reprobation yet the negroes remain untarnished?
Why do the whites receive reprobation? Originally Posted by DSK
The more relevant question would be: Why do you welsh on wagers?
Remember, you mock us when we say the USA has a war on white people. If someone got up and said they wanted to kill black folks, he wopuld probably get shot.

It has been two years since he spoketh - has he received any punishment? Originally Posted by DSK

"wopuld" great one!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Excellent patter for the year 1815...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Remember, you mock us when we say the USA has a war on white people. If someone got up and said they wanted to kill black folks, he wopuld probably get shot.

It has been two years since he spoketh - has he received any punishment? Originally Posted by DSK
1) Last time I looked there was a First Amendment to the fucking constitution.

2) This thread is based on utter speculative bullshit

3) JL is the biggest liar, cheater and welsher in ECCIE history and should be prohibited from posting.
White Devil, White Devil!
White Devil, White Devil! Originally Posted by WombRaider
Pinche mojado, Pinche mojado !
Pinche mojado, Pinche mojado ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Nope. Didn't swim here. Pinche puto mamajuevo
Why do the whites receive reprobation yet the negroes remain untarnished? Originally Posted by DSK
Yes, the "negroes" have it completely dicked, don't they? You are galactically stupid.
Sounds like your comparing a group of hate motivated, prison trained hard cases to a hand full of Walmart yahoos shooting their mouths off. Think the scene from Fletch when the KKK couldn't even come up with a lighter to set their cross on fire. Is that the KKK you're talking about?

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I think I am comparing one group of bozos to another group of bozos. Which is exactly the fucking point admiral.
Nope. Didn't swim here. Pinche puto mamajuevo Originally Posted by WombRaider
Oh,so Momma / SEEster and Daddy / brother used you as the anchor EUNUCH ! Once they saw how you could CHUPA, they just KNEW what business they were gonna open en Estado Unida !