The insanity of the left on parade

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity was to repeat the same action over and over again while expecting a different result each time.

Ann Coulter said that liberalism was insane because they could hold two diametrically opposing ideas at the same time as truths.

For the last 20 odd years we have heard the left argue for isolation from the world. We need to be energy independent (not for national security or fiscal reasons) so we don't have to involve ourselves with other countries. Why? Because the US is inherently evil of some bullshit and our influence makes other countries worse off.
We also heard that what Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran do is none of our business. Look at the Iran deal to see the proof of that. Listen to Obama's own words about "leading from behind" that he wants to pull back. Get out of Europe, Cuba, the Middle East and Asia has been the hallmark of the democratic liberal foreign policy since LBJ. Everytime it blows up in the face of the world (the Einstein theory).

Okay, Obama is large and in charge. We are pulling back everywhere and the bad guys (which is not the US) are advancing. So on one hand the libs love it that we are being diminished but now we have a new idea; lets invite a bunch of refugees into our country. Ann Coulter said two diametrically opposing ideas and here they are; we are not involved with the world but we should be held responsible for what happens in the world when we don't engage. Liberalism is insane.

One of my questions is how far will they go? Hillary is about as done as blackened (the color of her soul I hear) toast which means Bernie Sanders (?) will be the front runner. Unless Uncle Joe rides in a white horse, what a choice for the libs. So will a policy be advanced to bring more people into the US according to their race, culture, and religion? I have heard on campus some educators openly saying that we (the US) doesn't have enough; Muslims, Africans, Hispanics, fill in the blank. Seems like the idea is already planted in the fevered minds of our left wing radicals. How long before it becomes legislation or a sacred cause?
Your messiah, the Donald will cure everything for you judy.
Your messiah, the Donald will cure everything for you judy. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

eehhburrrrrr the Indy, who are you voting for?
eehhburrrrrr the Indy, who are you voting for? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Benonur. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Bonner? eehbuuurrrrrr the Indy, wheres the "H"?


Bonner? eehbuuurrrrrr the Indy, wheres the "H"?


Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Be none of your bushiness, gee you are dumb. BENONUR.
More drivel from our resident shitbird, Admiral Turdface, aka 777 with a side of shrubs and netting. Calm down, Judy.
JDIdiot, do you have the coordinates of the remote island yet?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another great thread JDrunk. You ever rant like this in public? Do people roll down their windows and listen, or just toss a quarter into your styrofoam cup as they pass you on the corner?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Another great thread JDrunk. You ever rant like this in public? Do people roll down their windows and listen, or just toss a quarter into your styrofoam cup as they pass you on the corner? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
do you?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
no, do you?

(Fucking brilliant, as always, troll)

There's something telling about a thread in which the OP references both Albert Einstein and Ann Coulter...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
None of the left has anything to say???
None of the left has anything to say??? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Do they ever ?
None of the left has anything to say??? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What are the coordinates of the remote island?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nothing to say about what, JDrunk? You invoking Albert Einstein and Ann Coulter as a basis for your latest drunken rant?

I think the subsequent jerking off by your blow buddies is sufficient response to such a brilliant discussion.