Syrian refugees...Martial Law...Obama's Plan

What is your take on the theory that Obama is allowing and even making way for Civil Unrest so he can enact Martial Law and stay in office indefinitely??
  • DSK
  • 09-15-2015, 08:52 AM
What is your take on the theory that Obama is allowing and even making way for Civil Unrest so he can enact Martial Law and stay in office indefinitely?? Originally Posted by SNL9933
I doubt it - being an ex President is a pretty comfortable living.
I doubt it - being an ex President is a pretty comfortable living. Originally Posted by DSK
But....but....but Shrillary claims that they were "flat broke " once she and the serial sexual predator left the White House with stolen Government property ! On the other hand, there's no telling how much money Jimmuh Carter was paid by Hamas to be the guest speaker at on of the meetings here in the US last year. Think of all the money odummer stands to make from "The Father of Fatwas" , The Supreme Leader of Iran, for his ram-rodding the Iranian Nuclear deal through for them.
But....but....but Shrillary claims that they were "flat broke " once she and the serial sexual predator left the White House with stolen Government property ! On the other hand, there's no telling how much money Jimmuh Carter was paid by Hamas to be the guest speaker at on of the meetings here in the US last year. Think of all the money odummer stands to make from "The Father of Fatwas" , The Supreme Leader of Iran, for his ram-rodding the Iranian Nuclear deal through for them. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Only thing you know about ram-rodding is lustytard's dick in your ass.
Only thing you know about ram-rodding is lustytard's dick in your ass. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Again with the transference woomby ? That would be you ( the ROD-EE ! ) and Big Sir and / or assup ( as the ROD-ERS ! ) getting YOUR fudge packed !
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Good one, SNL!

You almost had me going there.
Again with the transference woomby ? That would be you ( the ROD-EE ! ) and Big Sir and / or assup ( as the ROD-ERS ! ) getting YOUR fudge packed ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I told you, I sold the bidness. New bidness will not be disclosed to the likes of your swishy-walking ass. The only thing you transfer is semen to lustytard's mouth when you two do ATM
I told you, I sold the bidness. New bidness will not be disclosed to the likes of your swishy-walking ass. The only thing you transfer is semen to lustytard's mouth when you two do ATM Originally Posted by WombRaider
We all know your "new" bid'ness is the same type operation just at a new location woomby. So id Slick Willy give you a good deal on a lease at his Presidential LYE-berry and Museum to Narcissistic Sexual Predators ? You'll always be " The Gloryhole Guru of Arkansas " and ATM King of the Ozarks !!
We all know your "new" bid'ness is the same type operation just at a new location woomby. So id Slick Willy give you a good deal on a lease at his Presidential LYE-berry and Museum to Narcissistic Sexual Predators ? You'll always be " The Gloryhole Guru of Arkansas " and ATM King of the Ozarks !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You no-spelling cocksucker, unless you were referencing his actual id, which I doubt, because you're a fucking mouthbreather who wouldn't know Freud from a sack of shit. You don't know anything. You know less than nothing. You will always be Lustytard's little bitch boy.
You no-spelling cocksucker, unless you were referencing his actual id, which I doubt, because you're a fucking mouthbreather who wouldn't know Freud from a sack of shit. You don't know anything. You know less than nothing. You will always be Lustytard's little bitch boy. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Says "The Gloryhole Guru of Arkansas " and " The ATM King of the Ozarks" ! Like anything YOU say really maters or carries any import ! Keep on swishy-walkin' !!!!
What is your take on the theory that Obama is allowing and even making way for Civil Unrest so he can enact Martial Law and stay in office indefinitely?? Originally Posted by SNL9933
Something to scare hell out of the wingers, like Jade Helm.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A lot of great (that means stupid) comments people. Let me ask the wingers (left) how do they like the idea of the President of the United States ordering the state of Wisconsin to take on thousands of Muslim, Syrian refugees whose identities are largely unknown? Don't you think this grand experiment of state by state government should have the right to control what happens in their state? What would happen if Scott Walker refused? What if he put the national guard on the border to enforce the will of the people of Wisconsin? Where do wingers (left) draw the line on the power of the presidency (when a democrat is in office).
What is your take on the theory that Obama is allowing and even making way for Civil Unrest so he can enact Martial Law and stay in office indefinitely?? Originally Posted by SNL9933
Obama's mommy won't let him. She wants to git out ASAP. Even with free access to whatever govt plane she wants.

Plus the choom gang reunion thang.
Something to scare hell out of the wingers, like Jade Helm. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Yeah, where's JD Jizzy Nuts on that one? I thought Obama was going to take over Tejas and annex it to the mexicans, while taking away everyone's guns