The Bad Side of Multiculturalism

  • DSK
  • 09-17-2015, 07:23 AM
Liberal pundits typically scold us with contrived tales of the benefits of multiculturalism, which was imposed upon the American public without their consent. Nevertheless, many superficial and anecdotal stories have been supporting the concept since the 1960's..

The story of the Muslim boy who built a crude clock that was legitimately considered to be a possible bomb has all the elements that argue against multiculturalism.

1. The principal has been derided as a racist, but he has to protect the students..

2. The police are accused of racial profiling, but a "clock" with wires coming out of it attached to a circuit board looks suspicious, regardless of who presents it.

3. Another teacher told him he was impressed but not to show it to anyone. The student did it anyway, against appropriate advice.

4. The people being accused of racism might not really be racists, but now everyone is using the incident to prove their own parochial and race based points, dividing the country into sides, and not uniting or strengthening us in any way.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Your cry for cultural purity/segregation has transcended all of your handles, JL.

"Crude clock???" It was a school kid who made a science project and was dragged off in handcuffs. in your (red)neck of the woods no less. It was a legitimate act of racism and xenophobia. Plain and simple.

Why not just admit what everybody knows?

Also, why not explain to everybody why you didn't send me a PM about putting me on your ignore list like you did to I'va?

Could it be that you had been...
Conservative idiots typically adopt racist viewpoints and intolerant positions based on the color of a person's skin or their choice of religion, and then attempt to justify their behavior by claiming that they are somehow victims when it is pointed out to them that they are xenophobic assholes.

Liberal pundits typically scold us with contrived tales of the benefits of multiculturalism, which was imposed upon the American public without their consent. Nevertheless, many superficial and anecdotal stories have been supporting the concept since the 1960's..

The story of the Muslim boy who built a crude clock that was legitimately considered to be a possible bomb has all the elements that argue against multiculturalism.

1. The principal has been derided as a racist, but he has to protect the students..

2. The police are accused of racial profiling, but a "clock" with wires coming out of it attached to a circuit board looks suspicious, regardless of who presents it.

3. Another teacher told him he was impressed but not to show it to anyone. The student did it anyway, against appropriate advice.

4. The people being accused of racism might not really be racists, but now everyone is using the incident to prove their own parochial and race based points, dividing the country into sides, and not uniting or strengthening us in any way.
. Originally Posted by DSK
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And the "group of guy" we know as JL/DSK/BJerk/etc... is no different, timpage.
Also, why not explain to everybody why you didn't send me a PM about putting me on your ignore list like you did to I'va? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I wasn't sent a PM either. Why does I'va get special treatment from the known Welsher?
  • DSK
  • 09-17-2015, 11:23 AM
Conservative idiots typically adopt racist viewpoints and intolerant positions based on the color of a person's skin or their choice of religion, and then attempt to justify their behavior by claiming that they are somehow victims when it is pointed out to them that they are xenophobic assholes.

Originally Posted by timpage
Perhaps what you say is sometimes true, but you cannot refute the essence of my point, and your derisive tone is more of the same bickering and disunity engendered by the multicultural beast.

You really do not know if the cops involved and the school Principal are racists. If they weren't, they might be less charitable in the future towards the concept of multiculturalism being a strength - because their actions were instantly invalidated by the mere accusation of racism.

Also, it appears to be one of the principle organizing truths of multiculturalism and leftism that once someone is identified as a racist, he is a non-person forever. Do you not believe in redemption?
  • DSK
  • 09-17-2015, 11:25 AM
Conservative idiots typically adopt racist viewpoints and intolerant positions based on the color of a person's skin or their choice of religion, and then attempt to justify their behavior by claiming that they are somehow victims when it is pointed out to them that they are xenophobic assholes.

Originally Posted by timpage
It is xenophobia if I don't want thousands of immigrants. It is self preservation if I don't want millions of immigrants who will substantially change the culture of my country.
It is xenophobia if I don't want thousands of immigrants. It is self preservation if I don't want millions of immigrants who will substantially change the culture of my country. Originally Posted by DSK
Your comments and viewpoints are rooted in racism, period. Because nobody wants to be accused of being a racist (except the asshole from Waco), you attempt to cloak it as concern for the "culture" of your country.

All of it is bullshit code for your racism. Your opinions about immigrants are the same ones that were expressed last century about the Germans, the Irish, the Italians, and every other group of immigrants that entered the country en masse during a compressed period of time. It's the same as the gay-haters trying to justify their hatred and intolerance for people that are different from them by relying on religion. Just like the racists did when resisting integration of schools, the military, etc etc etc.

Get over it.
  • DSK
  • 09-17-2015, 02:44 PM
Your comments and viewpoints are rooted in racism, period. Because nobody wants to be accused of being a racist (except the asshole from Waco), you attempt to cloak it as concern for the "culture" of your country.

All of it is bullshit code for your racism. Your opinions about immigrants are the same ones that were expressed last century about the Germans, the Irish, the Italians, and every other group of immigrants that entered the country en masse during a compressed period of time. It's the same as the gay-haters trying to justify their hatred and intolerance for people that are different from them by relying on religion. Just like the racists did when resisting integration of schools, the military, etc etc etc.

Get over it. Originally Posted by timpage
Assuming you are white, there will come a time when you realize that they hate you because you are white, or you aren't Muslim.

Although you don't believe me when I say I don't hate minorities, I only hate their endless demands for recompense and blaming of their failures on racism and discounting my success based upon being white.

I'd be happy with a colorblind society but we are never going to see it, and we can't go back. You liberals fucked that up. White non Muslim people are eventually going to be a minority in this country, and I doubt any of them will like it.
The only reason the kid is a star is because he's Muslim. Kids have been yanked out of school and suspended for pop tarts supposedly shaped like a gun, for pretending a finger was a gun, pointing it at another student and shouting bang. Given the over-reactions in so many other areas, the kid still shouldn't have been arrested, but what happened to him is not racist or any kind of phobic either.
Assuming you are white, there will come a time when you realize that they hate you because you are white, or you aren't Muslim.

Although you don't believe me when I say I don't hate minorities, I only hate their endless demands for recompense and blaming of their failures on racism and discounting my success based upon being white.

I'd be happy with a colorblind society but we are never going to see it, and we can't go back. You liberals fucked that up. White non Muslim people are eventually going to be a minority in this country, and I doubt any of them will like it. Originally Posted by DSK

What a completely fucked up way to think. Of course there are idiotic, racist Muslims who will hate me based on my skin color or my choice (or non-choice) of religion. They're the same as you. Think about that for a while genius.

I have no problem with you not liking folks who don't earn their keep, assuming they are able. I do have a problem with you classifying every minority as fitting that description. They don't.

Save the absurd arguments that progressives and democrats are somehow responsible for the state of race relations today for a circle jerk with the admiral and the rest of the knuckledraggers on here who try to make that argument fly. It makes about as much sense as statements like conservatives were responsible for civil rights, Martin Luther King hated immigrants, and somewhere a Malaysian Airlines 777 is hidden in a desert enclave. It's bullshit.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Liberal pundits typically scold us with contrived tales of the benefits of multiculturalism, which was imposed upon the American public without their consent. Nevertheless, many superficial and anecdotal stories have been supporting the concept since the 1960's..

The story of the Muslim boy who built a crude clock that was legitimately considered to be a possible bomb has all the elements that argue against multiculturalism.

1. The principal has been derided as a racist, but he has to protect the students..

2. The police are accused of racial profiling, but a "clock" with wires coming out of it attached to a circuit board looks suspicious, regardless of who presents it.

3. Another teacher told him he was impressed but not to show it to anyone. The student did it anyway, against appropriate advice.

4. The people being accused of racism might not really be racists, but now everyone is using the incident to prove their own parochial and race based points, dividing the country into sides, and not uniting or strengthening us in any way.
. Originally Posted by DSK
DSK/Jewish Lawyer- I wouldn't say the teacher or the cops were racist- but I would say they have perceived stereotypes- here you have a kid named Ahmad Muhammad with a device that has wires and ticks- people automatically assume terrorist- if the student's name were a jewish name like Abraham Goldsmth- I doubt if the same reaction would have happened.
Conservative idiots typically adopt racist viewpoints and intolerant positions based on the color of a person's skin or their choice of religion, and then attempt to justify their behavior by claiming that they are somehow victims when it is pointed out to them that they are xenophobic assholes.

Originally Posted by timpage
You hit the nail on the head. And then we have the reacharound crew on here who don't even try to justify their behavior; WaKKKo, Reytardo, JDjizzynuts, Mojo, etc.

There was absolutely no reason for this kid to be perp walked out of that school and if he had been white, he would not have been.
What a completely fucked up way to think. Of course there are idiotic, racist Muslims who will hate me based on my skin color or my choice (or non-choice) of religion. They're the same as you. Think about that for a while genius.

I have no problem with you not liking folks who don't earn their keep, assuming they are able. I do have a problem with you classifying every minority as fitting that description. They don't.

Save the absurd arguments that progressives and democrats are somehow responsible for the state of race relations today for a circle jerk with the admiral and the rest of the knuckledraggers on here who try to make that argument fly. It makes about as much sense as statements like conservatives were responsible for civil rights, Martin Luther King hated immigrants, and somewhere a Malaysian Airlines 777 is hidden in a desert enclave. It's bullshit. Originally Posted by timpage
QFTFT again. You're 2 for 2. What dick suck king doesn't get is that he benefits, regardless of whether he recognizes it or not, from a system that is geared toward whites and white males specifically. Look at who is in charge of everything. Overt racism is not the issue. It's the small things that he doesn't realize because he's not a minority and has never experienced them. Not being approved for loans even though credit is equal, etc. Not getting the job based on an ethnic sounding name even though your qualifications are equal to a white who applied for the same job. These things have been proven. There have been experiments and studies done and they have shown the bias.