Debbie Wasserman Shultz.......Vile, Obnoxious, Bitch

In case you haven't heard, this stupid bitch has accused Marco Rubio of being a Nazi Sympethizer, because he is attending a fundraiser of a wealthy donor, one Harlan Crow, who has a huge collection of historical artifacts, including those from Nazi Germany.

Just read the link, or google any other info on this. It's difficult to amagine the DNC or Wasserman Shultz sinking any lower, or for that matter, being more asinine.

My first thought is, "they have no shame". But I doubt they even know what the word means.

In case you haven't heard, this stupid bitch has accused Marco Rubio of being a Nazi Sympethizer, because he is attending a fundraiser of a wealthy donor, one Harlan Crow, who has a huge collection of historical artifacts, including those from Nazi Germany.

Just read the link, or google any other info on this. It's difficult to amagine the DNC or Wasserman Shultz sinking any lower, or for that matter, being more asinine.

My first thought is, "they have no shame". But I doubt they even know what the word means. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Careful now Jackie ! Describing woomby's favorite bull dyke and "peg driver " that way just might get him ranting at you ! He's been known to start frothing at the mouth over his "mistresses" like Shrillary and Nattering Nancy Pug-ugli ! Since he hates religion, maybe you can put a cross in his face like they do in the vampire movies to get him hissing even more when he attacks you. IJS....
A Jew upset over the Nazis. What craziness will we witness next?
A Jew upset over the Nazis. What craziness will we witness next? Originally Posted by WombRaider
You trying to get the Pope in a confessional and offering to rim the Pope's ass if he'll give you absolution for your faggotry and non-believing ? :woot_jump ::laugh ing1:
LexusLover's Avatar
"Debbie Wasserman Shultz.......Vile, Obnoxious, Bitch"

Who needs to declare a war on women? She's doing a fine job of it herself by example.....which supplements the one being waged by Hillarious.
"Debbie Wasserman Shultz.......Vile, Obnoxious, Bitch"

Who needs to declare a war on women? She's doing a fine job of it herself by example.....which supplements the one being waged by Hillarious. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Speaking of "Vile, Obnoxious" personalities, when will the "Vile" and "Obnoxious" LLIdiot answer the "simple question?

In case you haven't heard, this stupid bitch has accused Marco Rubio of being a Nazi Sympethizer, because he is attending a fundraiser of a wealthy donor, one Harlan Crow, who has a huge collection of historical artifacts, including those from Nazi Germany.

Just read the link, or google any other info on this. It's difficult to amagine the DNC or Wasserman Shultz sinking any lower, or for that matter, being more asinine.

My first thought is, "they have no shame". But I doubt they even know what the word means. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Has that dumb bitch finally found a way to describe the difference between the Democratic Party and the Socialist Party yet??
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A Jew upset over the Nazis. What craziness will we witness next? Originally Posted by WombRaider
You need to stop coming to these shoot outs without a gun and your pants around your ankles NBK.

DWS has no problem with radical Islam, she has no problem with arming the Iranians with nukes, she has no problem with the Iranians having ICBMs, and she has no problems with NAZIs (such as yourself), she pals around a with Soros who worked for the Nazis.

No, this debate is about Rubio meeting with a man who has a collection of World War II (all sides) memorabilia. This means that no republican could ever go to a museum that might have Nazi propaganda art (even though the former White House spox had communist propaganda art in his kitchen), another White House rep spoke of being a follower of Mao....well actually two at least.

Pull your pants up NBK, wipe your nose, and get on home shit stain.
You need to stop coming to these shoot outs without a gun and your pants around your ankles NBK.

DWS has no problem with radical Islam, she has no problem with arming the Iranians with nukes, she has no problem with the Iranians having ICBMs, and she has no problems with NAZIs (such as yourself), she pals around a with Soros who worked for the Nazis.

No, this debate is about Rubio meeting with a man who has a collection of World War II (all sides) memorabilia. This means that no republican could ever go to a museum that might have Nazi propaganda art (even though the former White House spox had communist propaganda art in his kitchen), another White House rep spoke of being a follower of Mao....well actually two at least.

Pull your pants up NBK, wipe your nose, and get on home shit stain. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Since when has woomby been wearing pants ? It's always been Depends or rainbow colored thongs for him in the past ! Might it be that he's trying to show "the homies" how he's "down" with them by wearing his pants "down" too ? His version of trolling for customers !
You need to stop coming to these shoot outs without a gun and your pants around your ankles NBK.

DWS has no problem with radical Islam, she has no problem with arming the Iranians with nukes, she has no problem with the Iranians having ICBMs, and she has no problems with NAZIs (such as yourself), she pals around a with Soros who worked for the Nazis.

No, this debate is about Rubio meeting with a man who has a collection of World War II (all sides) memorabilia. This means that no republican could ever go to a museum that might have Nazi propaganda art (even though the former White House spox had communist propaganda art in his kitchen), another White House rep spoke of being a follower of Mao....well actually two at least.

Pull your pants up NBK, wipe your nose, and get on home shit stain. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You care to address your two ongoing scandals; the 777 and the Garand. Lies, Admiral Turd Cutter. Nothing but lies. And you can't spin your way out of it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Don't change the subject stalker.....and my mistake, Nazi baby killer is more of a pantless, chap kind of guy. He says that it "makes him quicker on the draw" wherever that means.
Don't change the subject stalker.....and my mistake, Nazi baby killer is more of a pantless, chap kind of guy. He says that it "makes him quicker on the draw" wherever that means. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Wherever? I think you mean 'whatever'. The thought of all that hanging brain got flustered, didn't it?