CNN has run out of REAL news.....

TryWeakly's Avatar
I'll bet that if it were a BLACK truck, then QuannelX and that other dude with the funky hair woulda showed up...

But ..... a white truck? CNN was obsessing about it.

Kinda like my newly "joined" stalker...
Well CNN was right, that was one "mysterious looking" white truck ..... lmfao .....
LexusLover's Avatar
What did you think CNN was going to feature .... "Global Warming"?

Speaking of "white" vehicles.
CNN can't find a real news story, even when they have one. I wonder if Yssup will report this post too?

Curiously Missing CNN Op-Ed, Supportive of President Trump, Mysteriously Appears Two Days Later…

Posted on December 29, 2017 by sundance
On December 27th CNN Legal Analyst Paul Callen appeared on television to discuss his recent Op-Ed that runs counter to the preferred engineering of CNN executive narrative sellers.

Paul Callen had accepted the CNN-echo chambered position that President Trump was making unfounded accusatory statements toward the FBI and Department of Justice.

However, then Mr. Callen broke the cardinal rule, he actually did some investigating of the claims he was criticizing. To CNN’s horror, Paul Callen came away from his research with an evolved and informed position that Trump was right, and his detractors were wrong.

Callen appeared on a CNN segment with Poppy Harlow to discuss his findings on Wednesday December 27th. At the very end of the segment an obviously uncomfortable Ms. Harlow told viewers they could read Mr. Callen’s Op-Ed for themselves and decide.


Except, there was a problem. CNN never published the Op-Ed. However, two days after the interview, around 8:26pm tonight (Friday), the op-ed appears.

No explanation is provided as to why CNN delayed putting out the Callen Op-Ed until late on a Friday night at the end of the week. Obviously, the transparency of ideological motivation speaks for itself. Regardless, you can read it now HERE.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
CNN can't find a real news story, even when they have one. I wonder if Yssup will report this post too?

Curiously Missing CNN Op-Ed, Supportive of President Trump, Mysteriously Appears Two Days Later…
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Kudos on CNN Legal Analyst Paul Callen for doing the right thing. He did research on the claims instead accepting the claims by CNN sources.

apparently, CNN shills weren't too happy about Callen's changed viewpoint.