Like riding a bike....

Is DATY like riding a bike? I haven't done it in a while.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
No, it's BETTER than riding a bike.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
No, it's BETTER than riding a bike. Originally Posted by When You Are Ready
Just spit drink all over the keyboard!!!


That was a good one WYAR! Question for the Prince, which haven't you done in a while???
Lovely Callie's Avatar
DATY should be a category in the food pyramid
jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 04-19-2012, 06:56 AM
You might want to ask some lesbians, I hear they're pros at it.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
I enjoy pleasing my partner at times and I indulge in DATY for that simple reason. I typically do not go down on a first session, when paying I am selfish, the sesion is more about me than her. But I have engaged in DATY while in session and it is satisfying to know my partner gets off on my abilities.

I have read a few books on the art of DATY, some very good techniques were learned and I have 3 levels of DATY. In the 3rd level or highest response level, I can be down there for 45 minutes and longer, the woman wil have multiple orgasms, some women ahve creamed or squirted that did not do that before and she was pleasantly surprised. I do the longer DATY sessions with civilian ladies as time is not an issue. I have never done the long DATY or 3rd level with any provider, yet. In fact I have only gone to the second level with one provider and that was because time was not an issue for us on this particular occasion.

In some DATY sessions I use all my body parts to please that are available, one hand caressing her thigh, one hand lightly massaging her G-spot, or lower portion of lips and clinching her anus, my gums putting pressure on her frenulum, my mouth ligtly sucking as my tongue works its magic, my chest laying across one of her thighs. I try to make it a whole body experience. And I will engage in flirtaseous banter and I will be assertive and seductive prior to dining as it properly sets the mood for her. I also feel her body movements as she knows what she likes, I do not fight it, thrust your hips baby to the point you need them.

In my experience each lady is different and enjoys different techniques, no problem, let's find the one that works best for you my darling!!!
We were created sexual creatures and will die sexual creatures..... We are the only being that has sex for pleasure and everyone has the capacity to be very good at all forms of sexuality. However, to do things well you must have an open mind, open heart and a capacity to care just enough to learn what the person you are with likes.

I've had clients who think one thing or technique is the best and uses it on every girl the same..... Well what works for one girl may not work for another:-).
LOL, no daty is not like riding a dang bike. Each woman is built and programmed differently, so you will always be forever learning each and every set of lips you lay yours on sweetie! Find yourself a provider who likes the little man in the boat as much as you to train you (I have taught quite a few men and they learned very well I must say, because at least it WAS coming from someone who has been in lesbian relationships before)
Lea Madisson's Avatar
You might want to ask some lesbians, I hear they're pros at it. Originally Posted by jl11
But I thought all men said they were lesbians trapped in a man's body.


I haven't done either in a long time.The last time I tried DATY I was off my normal game.I guess I will have to eventually get back into the swing of it.
Depends on the bicycle. Are we talking tricycle? I couldn't do much there. Are their training wheels and at what height? She may be able to help you there. As for the real bicycles, there are many types and for different purposes. I agree that every lady is different and responds differently to techniques and pressures. But that is where the fun trying new things (yes I agree daty is a food group) and doing again and again and again... until you know you are doing it right.

btw, why did you ever stop?
DallasRain's Avatar
daty is an essential for foreplay..............
You just have to connect with your partner and the fun will follow!

practice makes perfect{lol}
slicktommy's Avatar
Just as any hobbie, more you do it, the better you become.
<That is up to your natural give talent. Afterwhich hiring a pro to coach you might work wonders....>
jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 04-19-2012, 07:58 PM
But I thought all men said they were lesbians trapped in a man's body.


Lea Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
or is it lesbians are men trapped in a woman's body?