
am looking for some brother/sister roleplay, if anyone has experienced this type of roleplay and would be interested would love to hear from you. I would also like to hear feedback from anyone who might think this is a little over the top, or if its right down there alley. Im in the Dallas area and am looking for providers to fulfill my fantasy, and hopefully some with the experience of roleplay and the drive to make me satisfied.
Still Looking's Avatar
I always play the hobbyist. The provider plays her role as the provider. I would never try and be a "brother" as my acting skills are poor and the outcome might lead the provider to think I was a pimp. That would be a bad thing! But hey to each his own! Good luck!
pyramider's Avatar
With the abuse my sisters gave me I really would not want to role play brother/sister.
am looking for some brother/sister roleplay, if anyone has experienced this type of roleplay and would be interested would love to hear from you. I would also like to hear feedback from anyone who might think this is a little over the top, or if its right down there alley. Im in the Dallas area and am looking for providers to fulfill my fantasy, and hopefully some with the experience of roleplay and the drive to make me satisfied. Originally Posted by odoyle61
I have experienced this with a client and have no problem with it as I am "role playing" What is the nature of your fantasy? This could take many forms... PM if you want to discuss it in private
am looking for some brother/sister roleplay, if anyone has experienced this type of roleplay and would be interested would love to hear from you. I would also like to hear feedback from anyone who might think this is a little over the top, or if its right down there alley. Im in the Dallas area and am looking for providers to fulfill my fantasy, and hopefully some with the experience of roleplay and the drive to make me satisfied. Originally Posted by odoyle61
Its the same as daughter and father lol. I have done that one, but not t the extreme lol
pyramider's Avatar
You played the father? Wow that would be a strange one.
whitechocolate's Avatar
I am sure most providers with a good imagination can play your sister and make it a fun session. I dont think it is over the top. I guess if you want them to play your "real" sister, if you have one, you will need to give them lots of details. If you have a real sister that you want them to play, that certainly can get into some very kinky stuff.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
As this is the same thread as in AR, Ill post the same response.............

The better one knows you the better one can Mind Fuck you, so search out a fetish friendly provider and share with her how YOU see the role play flowing............Then when lil sis becomes scared in the middle of the night and comes to crawl in big brothers bed for comfort ALL sorts of fun can begin..................YUM!