Doors wide open/mixed signals

At May Spa in Fort Dodge there is only one masseuse (good looking in my opinion). I’ve been there a few times and it’s been a strange experience. She leaves the door wide open. She hasn’t done any teasing, so I’m assuming it’s solely a legit joint. But, each time I’ve gone there she asks if im happy at home. Also, she doesn’t appear to care about whether or not I’m covered up.

Has anyone else been there in the last few months? Am I just paranoid? Or, would you guys think something is off as well?
les123's Avatar
Just give her a little touch or squeeze. Worst that can happen is you might get kicked out. Don’t go through life wondering what could have been. Leave that to me.
Room Service's Avatar
Seen her twice. Pretty sure no extras from her. The last one did.
Haven’t had much luck either. I can’t seem to come across much local at all, pm for Amy leads is appreciated