RIP Esmerelda (Carmen)

I only knew her for about half a year, a beautiful and kind soul with a passion for putting others needs ahead of her own. She was misunderstood and every chance is life she was given from someone, those people took advantage of her. My heart hurts for her. 💔It’s truly a tragedy. I hope it she is at peace now because her life lately was full of struggle. Fly high Essy.
I only knew her for about half a year, a beautiful and kind soul with a passion for putting others needs ahead of her own. She was misunderstood and every chance is life she was given from someone, those people took advantage of her. My heart hurts for her. 💔It’s truly a tragedy. I hope it she is at peace now because her life lately was full of struggle. Fly high Essy. Originally Posted by Studmore

Wonder what people you're referring to. She and her male companion (bf? Pimp?) stole both my phone and nearly 500 from me. I don't know what led to her misfortune from that old a-hole but maybe she messed with the wrong one.

It's tragic, and I felt a strange sadness when I found out, but she wasn't an angel. I feel for her child more than anything
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