A shooter is already inside the school...

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
...what do you do now? According to the democrats you have a teacher that just got a bonus ("we must arm our teachers with more money") go out and inform the 18 years-old sociopath that not only is it illegal for him to have an "assault weapon" but it is also illegal for him to be in a gun free zone.
The republicans (most, but not all) believe that an armed response is the only sane way to fight back. Since an unarmed response is doomed to failure. But who should respond?
According to the democrats, everyone should cower in classroom behind sheet rock walls waiting for the police who will show up at some point and then decide when and where to go into the school, meanwhile...
the shooter is racking up a score.

Defense in depth is the only way. Controlled access points, visible security, and backed up by armed facility.
...what do you do now? According to the democrats you have a teacher that just got a bonus ("we must arm our teachers with more money") go out and inform the 18 years-old sociopath that not only is it illegal for him to have an "assault weapon" but it is also illegal for him to be in a gun free zone.
The republicans (most, but not all) believe that an armed response is the only sane way to fight back. Since an unarmed response is doomed to failure. But who should respond?
According to the democrats, everyone should cower in classroom behind sheet rock walls waiting for the police who will show up at some point and then decide when and where to go into the school, meanwhile...
the shooter is racking up a score.

Defense in depth is the only way. Controlled access points, visible security, and backed up by armed facility. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Those lib run districts might have more money for REAL security if they hadn't spent it all on new " diversity " text books, classes and new " trannie friendly " bathroom placards.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-22-2018, 06:25 PM
JDCornhole, how can one have an honest discussion when your premise starts off with so many lies?
^^up here^^

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I don't feel like typing, however Google 'Scot Peterson, Broward County. Sheriff's Office' and see if that doesn't piss you off. He was on duty at the school when the people were murdered. He never fucking went in!
Ronin3's Avatar
There's no simple and singular answer. Even if there was a reasonable solution, it would create new unforeseen side effects. Added to which, at this point in time, its highly unlikely both sides would agree to anything.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Teachers do NOT want to carry guns. Okay, a few do but the overwhelming majority do not want it to be part of their jobs. They are there to TEACH. They are NOT skilled with guns and do not want to be. There was an armed school resource officer at Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS and what good did he do? I can only imagine a teacher with a gun who has had a few hours of handgun training trying to figure out what to do when possible gunfire is heard.

I have several family members and relatives who are school teachers and not one of them wants teachers to be armed. I challenge anyone to ask school teachers whether or not they support teachers being armed in the schools in which they teach.

" The president of the 1.7 million-member American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, called arming teachers "one of the worst ideas I have heard in a series of really, really, really bad ideas.""
themystic's Avatar
...what do you do now? According to the democrats you have a teacher that just got a bonus ("we must arm our teachers with more money") go out and inform the 18 years-old sociopath that not only is it illegal for him to have an "assault weapon" but it is also illegal for him to be in a gun free zone.
The republicans (most, but not all) believe that an armed response is the only sane way to fight back. Since an unarmed response is doomed to failure. But who should respond?
According to the democrats, everyone should cower in classroom behind sheet rock walls waiting for the police who will show up at some point and then decide when and where to go into the school, meanwhile...
the shooter is racking up a score.

Defense in depth is the only way. Controlled access points, visible security, and backed up by armed facility. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Fighting for peace is like shouting for silence, It don't work Barleycorn. I feel like you're a decent guy just looking for answers and I can appreciate that. Nearly all of your mass shootings involve multiple guns, assault rifles and the killer has a plan. Whats rare is the guy got caught alive

Bottom line is guns are plentiful in America. I'm glad I have as many as I want and know how to use them. As many people that carry guns, why don't they ever have a case of someone stopping these mass shooters? I think its because people freak out and get scared, including cops. Banning guns aint the answer, but having ready available assault rifles aint either
NiceGuy53's Avatar
I don't think anybody has advocated that all teachers should be armed in our schools. Having an armed teacher who has little or no firearms training is not the answer. What we need are well trained armed law enforcement or ex military guards in our schools. And not just one or two. We also need controlled access at all entry points in our schools. Why are our schools way less guarded than our federal buildings and our airports?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Defense in depth is the only way. Controlled access points, visible security, and backed up by armed facility. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
COMMON sense right there!

Something libtards are loath to use.

There's no simple and singular answer. Even if there was a reasonable solution, it would create new unforeseen side effects. Added to which, at this point in time, its highly unlikely both sides would agree to anything. Originally Posted by Ronin3
True dat. THe left wants one thing and one thing only. ELIMINATION OF GUNS..

Teachers do NOT want to carry guns. Okay, a few do but the overwhelming majority do not want it to be part of their jobs. They are there to TEACH. They are NOT skilled with guns and do not want to be. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Ok. So only let those who WANT to protect their students become armed CCW holders, once they pass all the required testing..
Even if that means only 5 teachers in a school of 30 are carrying, that means 1 in 6 chances a shooter will get in the face of an armed defender.
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't feel like typing, however Google 'Scot Peterson, Broward County. Sheriff's Office' and see if that doesn't piss you off. He was on duty at the school when the people were murdered. He never fucking went in! Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Well, the FBI, Sheriff's Office, and school district will now be exonerated by the media and public opinion with their scapegoat.

Unfortunately he wasn't able to talk about it initially ...

... in the link is the internal affairs memo to him to keep his mouth shut.

but now that he has resigned and is no longer under the control of the SO, perhaps he will be able to discuss departmental policies and procedures regarding single officers responding to active shooting situations and their response, any instructions he received over the radio regarding whether or not he was to enter the building alone during an active shooting incident, the training the SO provided him for active shooting incidents in such venues as schools, his personal experience as a police officer involving acting shooting incidents, and his instructions from the school district about any role he might have in an active shooting situation in the school.

There was something once said about "Indians" and "moccasins."

Hopefully the SO will get the same scrutiny as Ferguson PD did over Michael Brown's death.

John, have you ever met the "typical" peace officer assigned to "school duty" ....?

And their "training" to be a "school officer"?

THAT WILL PISS YOU OFF! Particularly in the aftermath of Columbine!

My best guess is this "kid" doing the shooting had more "training" for shooting moving targets in a crowded building than did the "school officer" assigned by the SO, and clearly was better armed for the intended task. And keep that in mind when people are talking about arming teachers (most of whom were probably bitching about a "cop" stalking around inside the school upsetting the "kids")! [I suspect the "shooter" knew there was a deputy at the school ... and you saw his "on the ground assessment"!]
LexusLover's Avatar
Teachers do NOT want to carry guns. Okay, a few do but the overwhelming majority do not want it to be part of their jobs. They are there to TEACH. They are NOT skilled with guns and do not want to be. There was an armed school resource officer at Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS and what good did he do? I can only imagine a teacher with a gun who has had a few hours of handgun training trying to figure out what to do when possible gunfire is heard.

I have several family members and relatives who are school teachers and not one of them wants teachers to be armed. I challenge anyone to ask school teachers whether or not they support teachers being armed in the schools in which they teach.

" The president of the 1.7 million-member American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, called arming teachers "one of the worst ideas I have heard in a series of really, really, really bad ideas."" Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I agree 100%.

And teachers become administrators. Some later run for the school board.

150 years ago, may be. But not with the typical liberal pansies now.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Oddly enough, I've been noticing the architecture/design of new high schools and middle schools and in some cases elementary schools have become more and more indistinguishable from prison on the exterior, except for the double rows of tall chain link fence with razor wire on top.

Take a look sometime. The windows have gotten smaller and gone higher. Interior doors have locks and less glass. Not to mention lots of locked steel door on the perimeter. Don't know if you've seen some of these new 'airlock' systems at a main entrance or not. Though they had a brand spanking new one at Sandy Hook, which apparently didn't do a thing. Plus some inner city schools already have TSA style security screening on the way in.

I swear it's getting harder to distinguish a school from a prison and given this latest and preventable tragedy - I dare say it will become impossible to tell difference in a few years.
LexusLover's Avatar
I swear it's getting harder to distinguish a school from a prison and given this latest and preventable tragedy - I dare say it will become impossible to tell difference in a few years. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Train tracks haven't changed much though. Have you noticed?