I dont know if this is weird but I have to say thank you to all the girlies that have helped me thought out this few months with questions and concerns that I had thanks for helping with advice when I asked and thanks for confirming my gents or sending some my way. Thank you gents for playing with me and making new friends and being gentelmen. Because of all of you I was able to get a super nice car that I would of never been able to get with out all of you. You all have opened doors for me that would have never been able to be open with out all of you. I just want to show my appreciation and say thank you, and I hope we all have a super awesome week. Thank you
Luv Shayla84
MARTlAN's Avatar
I want to go for a ride...
rocker's Avatar
Car date?

Nice Car!!

lol maybe sometime I will take you both on lol but thank you, I feel I worked my ass off for it lol (dont worry not liturally) lol
I will give you a ride Martian lol if you want lol ijs
fun2come's Avatar
Hmm, let's see, blonde girl & car, and you wonder why I don't venture South any longer???

OK,OK, before I get any flack, I am JOKING.

Shayla you know you can take me for a ride any time, especially now that you are a blond.

I grew up with a saying, basically it means:
Hit full throttle, I wanna have FUN.