Bovine Futures?

AmishGangster's Avatar
I haven't been checking the market regularly like I should lately but it sure seems like Bovine Futures are down.

Your thoughts, if any?
dynamitekid's Avatar
The price of bovine futures depends on a steady cycle of breeding and consumption of cattle...whether it be for food, consumer goods or scientific research.
When bovine lingers well beyond its usefulness-even if it's just in a smaller area like Etna-the markets become scared because it makes the supply look too plentiful.
It's times like these that you need a trained (tin)eye to find a few openings in the market that make you want to Buy.
  • BSer
  • 06-11-2014, 08:05 PM
Frozen orange juice concentrate
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Drought caused a wide sell off of cattle. Price of beef is way up due to shortage. Takes a bit of time for the cattlemen to restock their pastures. Once that happens price should decline, unless the drought continues or in some areas comes back. Drought also causes feed prices to go up, hay, corn, etc.
AmishGangster's Avatar
I always thought cattle lost weight during a drought? Are they fed more fattening foods?
jjriggins's Avatar
Many feedlots are feeding candy rejects these days - cheaper than real feed and fattens them up quicker.
Invest in Ovine futures instead. Seriously.

Prices are going to go steadily up with the decline of gestation cages.

As for the bovines, they seem to be holding their own remarkably well. I hear there's one hoping AG will contact her while he's nearby....
dynamitekid's Avatar
AG is doing quality control on all bovines to make sure they are on Newport diets to control their weight.

Invest in Ovine futures instead. Seriously.

Prices are going to go steadily up with the decline of gestation cages.

As for the bovines, they seem to be holding their own remarkably well. I hear there's one hoping AG will contact her while he's nearby.... Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 06-13-2014, 10:38 AM
Going to depend on the price of dent corn as well, if corn is high, nobody wants to spend the extra money feeding them corn for the last few months to fatten them up before the sale.

For all the hype about grass fed beef, its not very good eats to have unmarbled dry ass steak.
eaglehorse's Avatar
Have 20 feeders will sell in Nov if price is right, using orchard grass, corn, and will use water, corn, in Oct. if price is not right, will winter over, sell in spring. Wholesale, on hook, local butcher. Hopefully these girls fatten up to 1500-1700 lbs.
Do I make any money, well enough to keep Silver in oats, soybeans, corn, shoes, and a little Maring money........
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I grew up on range fed beef. You made LOTS of hamburger out of them.T-bones were cut pretty thin to get more t-bones but mainly so you would have a chance cutting through them with a good knife.
We could barely afford to process the beef, split the cost with another family. I always knew it was time to get some more when Mom would break out the liver. Kidney made good catfish bait.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 06-17-2014, 11:43 AM
Sounds quite a bit like Pennsylvania Mountain Buck which lives on a diet of Mountain Laurel and jagger bushes.

Ate enough when I was a kid, to never want to eat another PA deer again, part of the reason I don't hunt them.

Now some wild pig? You guys in Texas have it good, and, Its a good reason to get the night vision and suppressors out, I have a neat little 300 blackout pistol with an arm brace, that my old 9mm can screws to, but, we can't hunt at night, and we don't have wild pigs, yet.....
chizzy's Avatar
Sounds quite a bit like Pennsylvania Mountain Buck which lives on a diet of Mountain Laurel and jagger bushes.

Ate enough when I was a kid, to never want to eat another PA deer again, part of the reason I don't hunt them.

Now some wild pig? You guys in Texas have it good, and, Its a good reason to get the night vision and suppressors out, I have a neat little 300 blackout pistol with an arm brace, that my old 9mm can screws to, but, we can't hunt at night, and we don't have wild pigs, yet..... Originally Posted by Devo
we dont? ask bser and amish...........they had a few
AmishGangster's Avatar
Bullshit, I had a kangaroo, a yak and a water buffalo. Zero pigs.
eaglehorse's Avatar
Thought you could hunt wild pigs in Etna at night? Water buffalo too tough, tho nicely quartered with a M2 (.50cal MG) supplemented the green eggs and ham.