Rise In Traveling Hookers, Depressed Gambling, Booze Sales Bode Poorly For US Economy

When Van Halen goes on tour, it’s to greet the fans and boost the paycheck. Similarly, when an escort goes on tour, it’s to press the flesh and get some money. Except, in the business of vice, escorts go touring because the local waters have been fished out.

There are several key selling points in the Hookernomics business model which traveling escorts hope to capitalize on:
  • Novelty: “New and Improved” is a standard consumer lure, and it fits the escorting business as much as the toothpaste business.
  • Limited Availability: An escort who announces that they are “visiting and in town for just a few days” is straightforward Sales 101. Create a sense of urgency and exclusiveness.
Tours are an expensive proposition (ahem) for an escort and a general pain in the ass. Travel time, hotels, transportation fees, dining out – costs add up fast. Also the tour is financially risky. There’s no guarantees of profit, which means that the alternative – staying put and fishing local waters – must be even worse. Simply put, escorts go on tour when the phones aren’t ringing enough.


Lexxxy's Avatar
I would say that's the furthest thing from the truth I've ever read. Touring keeps it fresh and exciting. The only thing that is true is the urgency to see someone before they leave. I like to stay low volume so I try to make my trips once a month or every other month so that isn't so bad. Why would anyone ever gamble and take a trip without prebooks? That's crazy.
RochBob's Avatar
This is an over simplification of what takes place. The Ladies who travel more than regionally are generally the higher end Ladies that command $$$ to $$$$$ an hour. They usually put out test ads on the Local boards to see if they can get enough pre-books to justify coming to your city. Also the reason they charge more is due to the referenced incurred travel expenses. A local Lady can do just fine in her Hometown with a reasonable rate and good service.

Another reason Ladies travel is they may have caused problems in their "home area" resulting in their having a bad reputation that puts off potential local clients. They figure if they disappear for a while. People will forget about them and they can return and pop up with a new name for a fresh start.

Another problem can be the rise of additional competition. This is especially true in the former manufacturing cities of the Northeast. Its not a shock that Criminal activity has gone up exponentially as Economic Depression has set in to those areas. It's unfortunately Econ 101 that Poverty & Crime go hand and hand.

And since Gambling was referenced in the subject line. The traveling Ladies have the reverse effect a local Casino does on Las Vegas & Atlantic City. Twenty Years ago if you wanted to Gamble in the USA you had to go to either Las Vegas or Atlantic City. Therefore a lot of Money and jobs went to those cities. Now the proliferation of local Casinos has diluted that income to the point where Casinos in those cities are being closed and development plans are being seriously reconsidered. The point being that instead of a hobbyist maybe seeing 2 or 3 local Ladies and splitting the hobby money between them. His entire budget may be going to seeing just the one high dollar traveling Lady.
Lexxxy's Avatar
This is an over simplification of what takes place. The Ladies who travel more than regionally are generally the higher end Ladies that command $$$ to $$$$$ an hour. They usually put out test ads on the Local boards to see if they can get enough pre-books to justify coming to your city. Also the reason they charge more is due to the referenced incurred travel expenses. A local Lady can do just fine in her Hometown with a reasonable rate and good service.

Another reason Ladies travel is they may have caused problems in their "home area" resulting in their having a bad reputation that puts off potential local clients. They figure if they disappear for a while. People will forget about them and they can return and pop up with a new name for a fresh start.

Another problem can be the rise of additional competition. This is especially true in the former manufacturing cities of the Northeast. Its not a shock that Criminal activity has gone up exponentially as Economic Depression has set in to those areas. It's unfortunately Econ 101 that Poverty & Crime go hand and hand.

And since Gambling was referenced in the subject line. The traveling Ladies have the reverse effect a local Casino does on Las Vegas & Atlantic City. Twenty Years ago if you wanted to Gamble in the USA you had to go to either Las Vegas or Atlantic City. Therefore a lot of Money and jobs went to those cities. Now the proliferation of local Casinos has diluted that income to the point where Casinos in those cities are being closed and development plans are being seriously reconsidered. The point being that instead of a hobbyist maybe seeing 2 or 3 local Ladies and splitting the hobby money between them. His entire budget may be going to seeing just the one high dollar traveling Lady. Originally Posted by RochBob
Some very good points. I like to offer specials as incentives to prebook which covers my ass. It really works well. I'm very appreciative when it comes to prebooks and return Gents.