A clever title to grab your interest.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Personal note: The neuropathy in my hands is getting worse so you may see more typos than usual. I can't catch them all and get frustrated going to back to corrct them.

Okay, this is more of a personality question than anything. I have been involved in theater for a few years now among my other interests. I've written a couple of unpublished plays and have one sold but unproduced screen play. I've always been curious if the industry makes people so unfailingly stupid when it comes to politics and rational thought or do people who lack the ability to understand people gravitate to an industry where they deal in make believe? I don't have an answer yet but it's leaning towards the latter. After all, actors hire agents to take care of the very concrete business of contract negotiation. Those few famous actors who make a really good deal (like taking 15% of the gross, or points) are usually more conservative personalities like Clint Eastwood.

I think the word is "irrationality" or the inability to differentiate between logical and illogical. Which would include understanding mathematics, cause and effect, and cogent reasoning.
Do liberal politics gather irrational people or do irrational personalities gravitate toward liberal politics?
Trying to speak to irrational people is unpleasant at best and downright unproductive normally.
Recent examples:
Blaming inflation on the invasion of Ukraine even when all evidence shows inflation starting before any troop movements. Or being on record saying that inflation is not real...until it was and then it was temporary...until it is now going to last until the end of 2022 without admitting that even if inflation ends tomorrow, the damage is done. Very irrational.
Or saying that one politician or another is working with Russia though no evidence exists that said politician has done nothing by word or deed to help Russia.
Given that, ignoring a politician putting money into the pocket of Russia by word, legislation, or executive action.
It is irrational to think that you can publicly accuse one group of people of horrible crimes and then just move on and expect no fallout. You accuse someone of being a racist or Nazi, someone gets killed because of those words and the accuser expects, no, demands, to move forward without consequence.
Just like moronic celebrities, why does anyone listen to these people? Politicians have to be listened to and reacted to because other idiots have given them power over all of us.
VitaMan's Avatar
An interesting point about the title.
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 03-13-2022, 08:35 AM
One could say it is irrational to totally dismiss liberals. Forget for a moment that they want you to share in paying for it. Generally, I think they are more idealistic and want to help people worse off than them a little more than conservatives and would attribute that to what you believe the root causes of class differences in America stem from.

An ultra conservative once told me that if you stripped away all the wealth in the world, within a few years the same people would have it all back. He stuck to his guns when we started including up-bringing, education, race , culture, location and family history. Yes there is a genetic component to our ability to thrive; everyone on the planet today can thank their scrappy ancestors for your trips around the sun. On the other hand it was our cooperation as a social animal that has been the true source of our power.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
One could say it is irrational to totally dismiss liberals. Forget for a moment that they want you to share in paying for it. Generally, I think they are more idealistic and want to help people worse off than them a little more than conservatives and would attribute that to what you believe the root causes of class differences in America stem from. Originally Posted by Brot
There is a distinction between reality and theory. There is also a distinction between justification and explanation.

At the moment in the United States there exists the most liberal people "in power" than the country ever has had, and hopefully will ever have in the future of the U.S.

They are ignoring the needs of those worse off with their policies and at the moment ignoring the desires of about 70%+ of the voting citizens of the United States. That's the reality.

Their justification is: It's better for you all, you're just too dumb to realize it.

People, generally, take better care of things they earned by their own efforts and attention, than they do of things given to them without an expenditure of effort and/or attention. And the knowledge of how to take care of oneself as opposed to being supported by others is a good quality to learn, and having that independence develops good traits as a citizen who improves the country to the benefit of all. Ala: Russian vs. Ukrainian "War"!

Our current POTUS & VPOTUS are perfect examples of not having to earn what they have gotten and desire to receive. And they could care less about the quality of life for others in this country. Theirs is fine ... paid for by those they don't give a shit about.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There’s just so much bullshit in that statement, I’ll not try and dissect it, LL.

At the root of the lies is a lie. The other just build upon it.

But everybody here benefits by your lecturing. Condescension is the best tool against skepticism, eh?

LexusLover's Avatar
Personal note: The neuropathy in my hands is getting worse so you may see more typos than usual. I can't catch them all and get frustrated going to back to correct them. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Don't worry about typos. You make more sense with them than most do on here without them.

This is a blog ... and not a dissertation. Substance is better than form!
VitaMan's Avatar
But you attack every other post that has a typo.
LexusLover's Avatar
But you attack every other post that has a typo. Originally Posted by VitaMan
That's another lie! No wonder you voted for Bitten/Kumola!

Just to correct you. When some condescending pretend-intellect starts calling out "typos" of posters it's generally because they have no substance to offer as a response and FALL BACK on form, e.g. grammar and spelling (customarily due to TYPOS) ... and when they do ... MORE OFTEN THAN NOT ... they have "grammar and spelling" errors. It's THOSE PUTRID PIECES OF TRASH I will call out on THEIR OWN GRAMMAR/SPELLING ERRORS.

So, in the future if you desire to characterize what I post please refrain from lying about it ... if you can so refrain!

If you can't quit lying, I'll take that as poor parenting.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Can you clarify, are you talking to me or Lexus about typos? If you knew how many times I let one pass...

The problem with liberals is that they ignore reality and human nature. It's like the "empty suit" of politics. You put a candidate out to the public without any hallmarks other than their party. You let the imagination of the voter fill the suit with what they would like to have in a candidate. That fake candidate is sold through fakery. Biden and Obama are perfect examples. Both were presented as "moderates" and anyone could have found otherwise very easily.
Back to the topic, liberals or should we say "progressives" actually have the same ulterior motives as an authoritarian except they dress it as beneficial.
Example: We want a greener planet! Forget the discussion on how to get there or do we need to get there. Any attempt at discussion is met by an attack. After the opposition has been silenced authoritarian rules are laid out that take away rights and freedoms because we've already decided (that lost discussion) that this is the way to go and you'd better get with the program. Biden himself (in his more lucid moments) said that he was willing to destroy thousands of good paying jobs and take away choices to make the US greener. He has signed laws and issued XOs that will dictate less safe and more expensive vehicles for us to drive in the future. We never had the discussion that is necessary for every democracy.
VitaMan's Avatar
That's another lie! No wonder you voted for Bitten/Kumola!

Just to correct you. When some condescending pretend-intellect starts calling out "typos" of posters it's generally because they have no substance to offer as a response and FALL BACK on form, e.g. grammar and spelling (customarily due to TYPOS) ... and when they do ... MORE OFTEN THAN NOT ... they have "grammar and spelling" errors. It's THOSE PUTRID PIECES OF TRASH I will call out on THEIR OWN GRAMMAR/SPELLING ERRORS.

So, in the future if you desire to characterize what I post please refrain from lying about it ... if you can so refrain!

If you can't quit lying, I'll take that as poor parenting. Originally Posted by LexusLover

You just recently complained about a post that you said should have included an "a".

And actually, it should have included an "an".

If you want to be an english professor, go do that.
LexusLover's Avatar
You just recently complained about a post than you said should have included an "a".

And actually, it should have included an "an".

If you want to be an english professor, go do that. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Now! Do you see about what I post? Before you start lamely attempting to correct others without cause, clean up your own life! That's why you voted for a demented idiot for POTUS.

This activity is entertaining to me, like fucking and the activities associated with it. It's not attractive to me as a source of "importance" at all, like it is to you! And what I said to the OP is absolutely correct ... I don't need to post any "reviews" and more importantly the act of posting them would probably deprive me of some enjoyable experiences.

So this is something to do to continue to hone my mental evaluation and continuity. It's thought provoking, but more importantly from an informational perspective it gives me some insight (I posted "some"!) into ...

... just who the fuck voted for the demented idiot in office as "President" along with a do-nothing/know-nothing cackling piece of trash that couldn't find her ass with both hands in a phone booth ... but probably has never had to find it while bent over.

And you showed your ass by voting for them! That's all I need to know about you! The remainder is not relevant to life. The fact is: You don't know shit about me except what some lameass, insecure fool soaked off a website from which I would never seek information .... or referrals and never had.

But you're too insecure to comprehend such. For instance: This is a blog, not a dissertation (in case you don't know what that is just ask!). It's a distraction and not a life as you take it.
VitaMan's Avatar
Now on TILT. And over 50,000 posts of distractions for you. That would be a life to some.

If your real life name is not Clifton St. Clair III, consider changing it to that.

#3 poster in all of ECCIE
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Hey, this is my second iteration on this site. I got locked out of my first name which has thousands of posts. I want my credit as well. For posts and encounters. Then my posts are more than a graphic of a duck being electrocuted.