"C**is" D***ht R***er

  • Alli
  • 11-17-2014, 05:52 PM

He called me after my listed hours of availability, I didn't answer and he left a message. I checked it and he rudely said for me to call him back asap, so I did and got his voicemail. I left a message letting him know that I was not available and turned my phone on silent. I then checked him out via my own screening and found out that he was trouble and he had lied about his name. Later when I went back to my phone, he had called 4 times. The last message was a bunch of mumbling so I just disregarded it. When I got up the next day, he had called several times again, the last time being 20 mins before. I called back and again, no answer, so I let him know that I was not going to see him because I found out his real name. Later that evening, he called again twice while I was busy and I text him back telling him that I wasn't available and please stop calling. He continued to call so I had a guy friend call him and of course he didn't answer, but my friend left him a message telling him to stop calling me. The last time that he called, I sent a text saying that he was told to leave me alone and he then sent a nasty message cursing me, didn't listen to all of it, but he is still calling. I have tried to block him from my google voice, but all it does is send him to voicemail. He can still leave messages and text.


I'm sorry this happened, and it is important for you to be able to alert each other to bad behavior. However, when sharing alerts please remember that it is not permitted to reveal names, numbers, or other personal info on this board and they must be partially masked as I have done above. P411 IDs are required to be partially masked as well.

Also, this is useful info but does not constitute a threat and as such is more appropriate for Coed than Alerts. Moving it there.

Thank you for your cooperation and stay safe out there,
Harassment after being told repeatedly to cease contact is not alert worthy? I disagree, but that's just within my personal definition of "alert worthy" I suppose. Either way, I appreciate the information. Would you email me his info, Alli? CaptivatingCaroline@gmail.com

Hope it ends soon. Sorry you're having to deal with it.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
CDR, if you're on here I just gotta tell ya....

lyn.xes's Avatar
In google voice you can mark it spam, and should go to the spam folder. And there should be a way so it sounds like your phone number is disconnected when he calls. Take a look around the futures of GV.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Harassment after being told repeatedly to cease contact is not alert worthy? I disagree, but that's just within my personal definition of "alert worthy" I suppose. Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
The guy is clearly a jerk but that doesn't represent a threat to members in my opinion. Your comment, however, prompted me to take a look for additional guidance on the matter as to what specifically IS Alert worthy.

There's been a definitive ruling on this subject in particular and I'd be happy to clarify for you. Basically, the Alerts forums are reserved for those situations and circumstances which fall outside the typical risks and interactions associated with the hobby, which of course there are plenty. Things which don't represent a harmful threat or things which happen frequently do not qualify. It's an elegant and simple litmus test.

There are examples provided but I'm not at liberty to share specifics of staff discussions nor is it really necessary. I'm sure we can all come up with a thousand examples of scenarios which are just a, for lack of a better word, "normal" risk of being a part of this thing of ours.

Suffice it to say that it's clear this case does not meet the criteria. Unfortunately, let's be honest, some guy being a jerk and calling repeatedly after being told not to is not exactly unheard of. I'm not saying it's not useful information to share, just that it doesn't belong in the Alerts forum.

Anyway, I hope this clarifies it.
Yes, thank you, that does shed some light on it for me.

So probably the best place for this thread would have been Infoshare, I would think. Alerts section for the truly heinous; Infoshare for the minor douchebags.

Thanks, Spice.