What do you guys think? Ladies do you use pictures that are 2-3-5-10 years old? Ladies & guys...do you think it's ok to use old pix? Why or why not? Does it make a difference on if you choose a certain lady or not? Ladies do you feel your business is better when you post new pix, or do you think biz is about the same whether your pix are 1 day old or 5yrs old?
I always feel like when I first post new pix/videos I don't get much of a response for first 3-5 days. My ex once told me I post too many pix, & guys are using my pix to enjoy them selves. lol Usually after the initial few days of posting new pix my phone does pick up drastically. I usually over analyze things so I always think that my ex was right...which is why my phone is dead at first. But then I think the guys get tired & frustrated at staring at my new pix, & that's when they finally decide to pic up the phone & call me! What do you think?