OH2 down?

vanessa956's Avatar
Does anyone know what’s going on with OH2?
Just checked on there and it doesn’t look like it’s working.
Trying to post an ad.
its down, i cant log in either.
Me either. Been like a week or so
down4fun's Avatar
It has been down for a while now. Someone posted about it last week.
jughead1171's Avatar
Looks like it is still down
Hopefully things pick up here. I guess oh2 is better for corpus but it kinda sucks for
The valley.
jughead1171's Avatar
Anyone hear anything more on OH2?
I'm worried that OH2 is gone for good
oH2 was the main site I used. This is lame
vanessa956's Avatar
Well most girls who are active post on this board as well. It really does suck. I am available. Just private message me on here.
Will do!