If you found out your ATF had a pimp, would you still see her?

gimme_that's Avatar
If you found out your ATF had a pimp, would you continue to see her.

Let's says she is independent an advertises as such.........she never give an hint or reason that she might have a pimp in any capacity. The sessions have been all great. And you never see or hear from him on multiple occasions when you have met her

But later it is brought to you attention that she is pimped and is in fact part of a stable. Would you continue to see her. Explain why.
If I was a hobbyist, It would be hard to say no. On one hand, you don't want to support that kind of lifestyle- but on the other hand that lifestyle has not negatively affected your good times. Hmmm....
anaximander's Avatar
I can't shrug off a genuine contact just because
she has a pimp/boyfriend. It's a touchy subject
to say the least.

Good for nothing parasitic rats that they are,
the pimps do try to keep a semblance of a
organized operation. A neccesary evil as it were.
At the least if the girls pay attention they can
get an idea of how to run the business,
setting up incalls, avoiding vice, you know
the tricks of the trade.

Otherwise going independent is loaded with risk.
Anything worthwhile cones with risk.
The bigger the payoff the more of a risk.

It would help if providers were more helpful
to the upstarts. But competition is what it is.
Few girls are going to be much help to
another girl they feel is prettier and could
possibly draw away potential clients.

As long as the girls work against each other.
The pimp will always find clueless girls for his use.
shorty's Avatar
If she was truly pimped out, NO! Now if she has a BF/SO and never mention's him, then I probably would still see her. A BF/SO doesn't get involved in her affairs, lets her do her thing, never drives her to her incall or to a outcall, she keeps her money but does help out with monthly bills as does her BF/SO.
Naomi4u's Avatar
If she was truly pimped out, NO! Now if she has a BF/SO and never mention's him, then I probably would still see her. A BF/SO doesn't get involved in her affairs, lets her do her thing, never drives her to her incall or to a outcall, she keeps her money but does help out with monthly bills as does her BF/SO. Originally Posted by shorty
I must say I agree with this. I wouldn't want to be affiliated with that.
No. I didn't sign up for that kind of 3-some. lol
shorty's Avatar
No. I didn't sign up for that kind of 3-some. lol Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Are you sure about that Charles? What if the pimp was a Smoking Hot Provider (i.e.Shayla) that happened to have other girls working for her?
Still Looking's Avatar
Hide a pimp, hide your a TS or hide an STD... color me gone!
gimme_that's Avatar
If she was truly pimped out, NO! Now if she has a BF/SO and never mention's him, then I probably would still see her. A BF/SO doesn't get involved in her affairs, lets her do her thing, never drives her to her incall or to a outcall, she keeps her money but does help out with monthly bills as does her BF/SO. Originally Posted by shorty
I was speaking hypothetically from only the pimp angle.

But I'm curious about your bf/ s.o. opinion.....A closeted and behind the scenes pimp could do the same thing but you might not realize it. Why is it so important that she not mention her boyfriend/business partner, but so unacceptable for her to speak on the affinity for her pimp in the same situation. So if you knw either one of the scenarios......the boyfriend manager angle would work better?
I guess it's time I let you guys know. I have a pimp. He takes all money and lavishes himself with gourmet foods and luxurious sweater vests made out of cashmere and exotic silks from far away lands. I must say he is a reall O.G. got ran over by a car and still lived. That's why he will always be the man...

His name is Titan but you can call him "Thugalicious Mackdaddy Sr."

Here is a picture of him if you ever see him lurking around my incalls, yes he bites...

but don't worry he has his shots
shorty's Avatar
I was speaking hypothetically from only the pimp angle.

But I'm curious about your bf/ s.o. opinion.....A closeted and behind the scenes pimp could do the same thing but you might not realize it. Why is it so important that she not mention her boyfriend/business partner, but so unacceptable for her to speak on the affinity for her pimp in the same situation. So if you knw either one of the scenarios......the boyfriend manager angle would work better? Originally Posted by gimme_that

As its been pointed out before, the guys like the illusion of the lady being single. I've only met one lady that openly said she had a SO. Most ladies won't bring it up or even deny it for the fear of losing the client. Personally it doesn't matter to me but I do know that most ladies do have someone outside of the hobby. My only problem I would have with the ladies would be when they deny they have one and it's common knowledge that they do have a BF/SO.

As far as the the BF/Manager angle, it goes back to how did she meet him, can he finanically support himself, does he tell her to go work that moneymaker, and does he take all her money. A true BF/SO would not be dependent on her, does accept her for what she does to make money, and never ever travel with her to her incall or outcall even if she was going somewhere nice out of state.
Are you sure about that Charles? What if the pimp was a Smoking Hot Provider (i.e.Shayla) that happened to have other girls working for her? Originally Posted by shorty
There are only 1 or 2 ladies for which I could find that kind of exception. Shayla isn't one. Admittedly, she has the hotness factor, but there are other things that I take into consideration.
I've only met one lady that openly said she had a SO.
Actually, I've met quite a few. At least one openly states she has a husband.

Sometimes, when we talk family, it is obvious there is an ex or SO somewhere in the picture. The illusion of "singleness" doesn't matter much to me. Just the illusion of GFE. lol
Bobave's Avatar
Hide a pimp, hide your a TS or hide an STD... color me gone! Originally Posted by Still Looking
I agree completely with this standard. And I'm not crazy about a girl having a BF/SO either lol... I've had two long-term ATFs that I quit seeing because service (both TCB and BCD) went in the dump after they got a new bf (or in one case, hooked back up with an ex).
If I find out she has a "pimp" I'm out simple as that. The truth be told I do not prefer a BF/SO as I'am not sure there is much difference between that and a pimp. Thats just my closed minded opininon b/c I'am uninformed in that area therefore I tend to be somewhat judgementle b/c I could never see myself in a relationship where I was aware of the women i'm involved with worked as a provider. Just my opinion to each thier own.